Infographic Criteria Grade 7
What is an Infographic? 0 An infographic is an electronically-based, one page presentation that includes researched facts and graphics. 0 The purpose of an infographic is to inform about a topic in a concise way.
What is the Purpose of this Infographic? 0 To present information about the animal (background). 0 To help the audience understand the reasons for the animal being endangered. 0 To show what can be done to preserve/save the animal from dying out and becoming extinct.
What Information Do I Need? 1. The name of the animal as your title 2. Your claim (thesis) as a subtitle 3. Where the animal is found in the world 4. Population numbers / How many exist? 5. Causes for the animal being endangered 6. How people can help protect the animal 7. Characteristics of the animal: 0 What it eats 0 Survival instincts 0 What its habitat is like 0 Behaviors, etc. 8. Works Cited
Works Cited World Wildlife Fund: Gunther, Michael. “Giant Panda.” World Wildlife Fund. WWF, Web. 18 Nov Follett Ebook: Nagle, Jeanne. Endangered Wildlife. New York: The Rosen Publishing group, Inc., Follett Shelf. 18 Nov