Sumatran Rhino Marc Hall
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Sumatran Rhino Common and Scientific name
Borneo and Sumatra Dense highland and lowland tropical Sub-tropical forest Used to roam more land Natural Habitat
feet tall 1, pounds feet long Stay near water History
Females take 4 years for sexual maturity Males take 7 years for sexual maturity On calf at a time Calves wean in 18 months Calves stay with mothers for 2 to 3 years Live for 35 years Breeding
Feed before dawn and after dusk Wild durian mangoes Figs Bamboo Diet
Solitary animal Only come together to breed Have two horns Only threats are humans Lifestyle
Critically endangered in 1966 Very rare Only 300 left Loosing forest to illegal settlers Medicines from rhino horns Critically Endangered
Monitor illegal trade of rhino horn Fund antipoaching patrols Protect the forest they live World Wildlife Fund Asian Rhinos Conservation efforts
1.Where are do Sumatran Rhinos live? 2.How many are left? 3.What do they eat? 4.How much do they weigh? 5.How tall are they? Quiz
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