block 街区 direction 位置 jewelry 珠宝 awful 可怕的
A Day at the ________. It _____ Saturday. Saturday was ____________ day in my ________. My ________ saw an ad about a _______ at the mall. The_______ department store was having an anniversary sale, and everthing was _______ price. My mother decided I needed ________ ________. They ______ me, and they looked _______.But my mother loves shopping, and she loves sales.There was no __________ her. mall was shopping familymother salebiggest half newclothes fitgreat stopping
For a minute I thought I was lucky. _____ ____ the car.How could we _____ there?But Mom said, “ We _____ ____ the bus!” The bus ______ at Sixth ______, just one block from the mall. At the mall, my mother _____ for directionss to the ______ department store. A man said the _____ was _______ from the _____ store. We ______ past my favourite stores-Guitar World, _____ Corner, and ______ Shop. I wanted a new CD.But my mother said not to look in the ______. We had to ____ straight to the department store.We had to turn_____ and go past the luggage store.It was _____ to the jewelry store. Dadhad get cantake stoppedAvenue asked big store across pet went MusicSneaker window go right next
Mom moved so _____! She ____ down the _____ and found the racks of clothes. She was_______.Her fngers moved through _____ after ______. “Here!” she said.”Try these on” _________ Mom picked was ______.There were________ shrits and _________ shrits.There were pairs of _________ pants and pairs of ________ pants.One shirt had ________ that were too ________.One pair of jeans had no ________.I wasn’t surprised they were ________ price.Who could _________ them ? fastranaisle excited shirt Everythingawful flowered checked plaid stripedsleeves short pockets half wear
My mom was ________ tired. “These _________ look __________,” I said”And they’re my ______.I’ll try them on. “I came out wearing my _____, _____________ T –shirt and _______ pants”May I get them ?” I asked. “Yes, I like those clothes,” my mother said with a smile”How________ do they cost?” “Imagine that !” I said”My ______ clothes are_______” “Wow ! That’s ________ than half price,”said Mom. “Don’t tell the _________,” I said to my mother.”But my old clothes are better than any of the ____ clothes here.” gettingclothes comfortable size plain Solid-coloredbaggy much old free better salesperson new
You’re _______,”Mom said as we ______ out the _____”___________ something old can be better than __________new. rightwalked door Sometimes something
1.How does the mother feel about the shopping? 2.How do the boy and his mother get to the mall? 3.What does the boy think about the clothes in the store?Why ? 4.What clothes does the boy take home?