MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama First Contact Package Last updated June 2011 Payload Operations and Integration Function Overview Payload Operations Director Office MSFC/EO03 Approved for Public release; distribution unlimited.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Agenda Payload Operations & Integration Function (POIF) Description POIF Objectives and Performance Goals POIF Structure POIF Interfaces Payload Operations Integration Center (POIC) Increment Ops Interfaces Pre-Increment Responsibilities Real-Time Responsibilities Remote Operations Overview General Payload Developer (PD) Information POIF Team Presentations Management and Points-of-Contacts Team Roles and Responsibilities Team Products and Processes PD Inputs to POIF Products and Processes
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POIF Description The Payload Operations & Integration Function (POIF) is a combined civil service and contractor team tasked to perform payload operations integration for all NASA payloads. The POIF is located at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL POIF is responsible for: NASA Payload Operations Integration Station-wide Payload Planning Crew and Ground Personnel Training & Procedures NASA Payload Safety Members of the POIF staff the Payloads Operations Integration Center (POIC) 24 x 7 Operations Control Center Real-time Command & Control of NASA Payloads POIC has been continuously operated since March 2001 with the 5A.1 mission
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POIC Increment Operations Interfaces Increment Payload Manager (IPM) Payload office programmatic direction and decisions MCC-H ISS Team Payload to Space Station interfaces Payload Operations Director leads POIC Flight Controllers in the execution of integrated payload operations to realize science objectives for Payload Developers/Principal Investigators Increment Mission Management Team (IMMT) Programmatic management direction and decisions MCC-H Integrated Systems Engineer (ISE) Payload to Visiting Vehicle interfaces POIC Flight Control Team Payload Operations Director - Member of the ISS Flight Control Team NASA Payload Point of commitment Conduct NASA payload ops in a safe and successful manner Payload Operations & Integration Feedback Into Ongoing Increment Ops preparation Payload Developers/ Principal Investigators Operate payload/science Analyze results Resolve payload issues
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Pre-Increment Responsibilities PD Team: Defines payload science objectives and goals Provides requirements for payload operations, planning, data, video, and training to POIF specialists Supports technical meetings to discuss and represent their payload requirements Determines how internal science/ops team will be structured and from where support to POIC will be (i.e., NASA Center (Telescience Support Center (TSC), university, remote site, etc.) Lead Increment Scientist (LIS): Works with RIO and PD teams to understand, integrate and prioritize requirements into the program plan POIF: Implements documented and proven processes to develop and integrate ops products across the payload complement POIF processes are defined in Payload Operations Handbook (POH), Volume 1.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Payload Developers - What To Do First Acquire POIF Web account as soon as possible: Submit request at Acquire Payload Planning System (PPS) account to enter payload planning and resource requirements into User Requirements Collection (URC) Contact the HOSC Help Desk (256) Acquire POIC services (i.e., real-time telemetry monitoring, commanding capability, voice talk/monitor capability, crew procedures viewing, crew timeline viewing, etc.) Contact Nick Bornas (256) For other assistance getting started, you can contact a Payload Operations INTegrator (POINT). Bobby Money (256) Leigh Weston (256)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POIWG Schedule PDs are expected to participate in Payload Operations and Integration Working Group (POIWG) face-to-face meetings and telecons Face-to-Face Meetings are held twice per year in Huntsville, typically around January/February, and July/August. Telecons are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month at 9 AM Central Time Dial-in: , Passcode: POIWG POIWG agenda items are announced via the POIWG Mailing List Contact Leigh Weston at or (256) for details
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Useful Websites POIF Website This website provides access to all increment prep and real-time operations documentation, POIF disciplines sites, schedules, planning products, crew & ground training products and control board information. Point of contact information on how to setup new account is available on the “Welcome” page. Submit Some sites reachable from the POIF Website are: Real-time Information Control Office (RICO) Website POIWG Website Crew Training Website Payload Data Library Website / / This website provides access to PDL software releases, new dataset functionalities, account information, helpdesk support, and PDL Users’ Guide information Information on how to setup new account is available on the PDL Home page Some sites reachable from the PDL Website are: ISS Payload Developer's Portal (must use PDL account to access) ISS Payload Office Website
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Useful Websites continued HOSC Portal This website provides information on the MSFC-provided ground data systems and services available to PD teams. Information on how to setup new account is available on the POIC homepage. PD can also contact the HOSC Help desk (256) for assistance: Some sites reachable from the this server are: Ground Support Requirements Team (GSRT) website HOSC interface requirements Software downloads (IVoDS, TReK, EHS Web, EPC, etc.)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Useful Websites continued MCC-H OPS-1 Website This website provides access to ISS real-time tools in which to view the timeline, crew procedures, messages for the crew, ISS attitude plans, flight notes, planning ground rules and constraints, onboard inventory, etc. Instructions on how to setup new account are available in POH Vol 1 SOP (Automated Computer Access Request System) NASA Sponsor for PD account is Lybrease Woodard (NASA/MSFC Payload Office Manager). Payload Safety Website This website provides access to safety documents, forms, safety panel schedules, toxicology information, etc. Point of contact information on how to setup new account is available on the Safety page. (Username and password are needed to submit safety data information into the Data Management System.)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama ISS Research Planning Working Group (RPWG) Website This website provides access to the LIS team shared information, research schedules and documentation No special account/password required. ISS Payload Mission Integration Team (PMIT) Website This website provides information on hardware design reviews, integration agreements and schedules, requirements definitions, flight schedule, manifest info, change requests and evaluations, etc. No special account/password required. ISS Operations Data File Website This website provides access to documentation on operational naming and information on the various types of crew procedures (e.g., U.S. systems and payloads, Russian, ESA, etc). Requires NDC credentials to log in. Useful Websites continued
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POIF Teams Presentations POIF teams will provide details of the personnel, products and processes listed below: Payload Operations Directors PARC, PPM, TCO & OC Overview Payload Systems Team Overview (PRO & DMC) POIC Safety Crew Training and Operations Products Payload Display Team Ground Support Personnel Training Ground Data Systems Team Ground System Integration Team Astronaut Office
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Back Up Charts
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama POIF Structure Operations Directors Office Space Systems Operations Training & Crew Operations Planning, Operations, & Analysis Facility Operations Payload Activity Requirements Coordinator (PARC) Payload Planning Manager (PPM) Operations Controller (OC) Timeline Change Officer (TCO) Data Management Coordinator (DMC) System Operations Leads: C&T C&DH Timeliner Payload Rack Officer (PRO) Payload Systems Engineer (PSE) EXPRESS Ops Lead WORF Ops Lead MELFI Ops Lead EXPRESS Logistics Carrier Ops Lead MSG/MSRR Ops Lead Simulation Director Increment Simulation Supervisor Simulation Coordinator Crew Training Coordinator (CTC) Ground Training Integrator Payload Communications Mgr (PAYCOM) Cold Stowage Integration Payload Operations Leads MSG/MSRR Science Investigative Leads Payload Displays Review Team OPNOM POC IPV Integration Lead Integrated Support Team (IST) Ground Systems Requirements Team (GSRT) EO03 EO10EO30 EO20 EO60 Payload Operations Director (POD) Payload Operations Manager (POM) Assistant Payload Operations Manager (APOM) Payload Operations Integrator (POINT) Payload Safety Payload Information Configuration Management Ground Systems and Database Verification POIC Facility/Flight Test lead Note: POIC FCT positions noted in bold-italic
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Real-time Responsibilities PD Team: Ensures that the defined payload operations support the science requirements Supports POIC in payload science execution Adheres to operational procedures documented in POH Vol 2 Generally operates from sites remote to the POIC (universities, TSCs, etc.) LIS: Determines science priorities (among payloads) POIC: Provides the opportunity for payloads to accomplish defined science objectives Coordinates real-time execution of NASA payload operations per POH Vol 2 Responsible for configuring and maintaining the Payload Support System resources and specific NASA facilities support to subrack payloads as required Interface to International Partners in whose labs some NASA payloads operate Monitors health and status data to ensure safety and successful operations Works with PDs and JSC/MOD to coordinate payload operational changes to the timeline and/or ISS system/resource impacts in an effort to achieve science goals
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Remote Operations of ISS Payloads NASA has made it easier for scientists to conduct experiments. This is accomplished by allowing control of payloads from remote locations, closer to home sites via Tele-science Support Centers (TSCs) or Tele-science Resource Kit (TReK) work stations. NASA has established 4 TSCs around the nation that provide command, telemetry, voice and video to the scientists. TReK is a PC-based telemetry and command system that is used to control experiments on-board ISS. A TReK system can be located anywhere in the world. This provides a way for scientists to control experiments located in space from convenient locations in offices and laboratories. TSCs: MSFC, JSC, Glenn, Ames Some TReK locations: Seattle WA, Boston MA, Birmingham AL, Madison WI, The Netherlands POIC
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 17 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 18 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms C&DHCommand and Data Handling C&TCommunications and Tracking CMDcommand CTCCrew Training Coordinator DBdatabase DEVdevelopment DMCData Management Coordinator EOOrganization Code in Mission Operations Laboratory in Huntsville ESAEuropean Space Agency EXPRESSEXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to the Space Station Rack FltFlight GCPGround Command Procedure GDSGround Data Services Gr&CsGroundrules and Constraints GSPGround Support Personnel GSRTGround Systems Requirements Team HOSCHuntsville Operations Support Center I X/Y-Dual Increment minus IMMTIncrement Mission Management Team IPMIncrement Payload Manager IPVInternational Procedure Viewer ISSInternational Space Station
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 19 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms continued ISSPOInternational Space Station Program Office ISTIntegrated Support Team JSCJohnson Space Center L-Launch minus LISLead Increment Scientist MAMassachusetts MCC-HMission Control Center - Houston MELFIMinus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS MODMission Operations Directorate MOLMission Operations Laboratory MSFCMarshall Space Flight Center NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration NPOCBNASA Payload Operations Control Board OCOperations Controller ODFOperations Data File OOSOn-Orbit Operations Summary OP NOM Operations Nomenclature OPSoperations OZOrganization Code in ISS Program Office in Houston PARCPayload Activity Requirements Coordinator PAYCOMPayload Communications Manager PCPersonal Computer PCMPayload Coordination Meeting PDPayload Developer PDLPayload Data Library
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 20 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms continued PHCMPayload Hazard Control Matrix PLpayload PL RegPayload Regulation PMITPayload Mission Integration Team POCPoint of Contact PODPayload Operations Director PODFCBPayload Operations Data File Control Board POHPayload Operations Handbook POIPayload Operations & Integration POICPayload Operations Integration Center POIFPayload Operations and Integration Function POINTPayload Operations Integrator POIWGPayload Operations and Integration Working Group POMPayload Operations Manager PPMPayload Planning Manager PPSPayload Planning System PROPayload Rack Officer PSEPayload Systems Engineer Regsregulations REQ’Trequirement RIOResearch Integration Office RPWGResearch Planning Working Group
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 21 NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms continued TLMtelemetry TReKTele-science Resource Kit TSCTele-science Support Center TSTTraining Strategy Team URCUser Requirements Collection US PODFUnited States Payload Operations Data File Verifverification WAWashington WIWisconsin WORFWindow Observational Research Facility