U NITED S TATES H ISTORY Anti-Feminism Dr. King-Owen [12.02]
E QUAL R IGHTS A MENDMENT 1970, N.O.W. urged women to “Strike for Equality” Pressed Congress to pass an Equal Rights Amendment (“men and women have equal rights”) : 30 states ratified the amendment but then it stalled 1982 – amendment reached its deadline and expired
R ISE OF CONSERVATIVE WOMEN Conservative Republican Women Phyllis Schlafly organized a STOP- ERA campaign Argued that ERA would: Require women to serve in the military if drafted Make women lose “dependent wife” benefits Lead to unisex bathrooms Taxpayer-funded abortions
“from the breadmaker to the breadwinner”
R OE V. W ADE (1973) Norma McCorvey could only obtain an abortion in TX if she was raped She sued and the court agreed that there is a right to privacy in the first 3 months of pregnancy Feminists celebrated the decision as a victory for reproductive freedom = pro-choice movement
United States History Name:_________________________ Rights Movements of the 1960s Date:____________ Period:_______ Groups Fighting for Rights American Indian Movement A right to choose our own way of life End stereotypes Ended Termination program Latino Activism ¡Si, se puede! Education in Spanish Cesar Chavez organizes farm workers Gay Liberation Come Out! Not be treated as ill Recognize gay relationships APA – 1973 Stonewall Riots 1969 Environmental Rights Movement Earth First! Control pollution Clean Water and Air Acts EPA created Disability Rights Access is a Right Independent living Access to public life Rehabilitation Act Gray Panthers Age and Youth in Action End age discrimination Using guerilla theater Students for a Democratic Society Rebels with a Cause End Vietnam War Increase democracy Shut down schools