Braintree Public Schools Spring 2007 MCAS Tests Braintree High School
How Results are Reported Grade 10 ScorePerformance Level Description AdvancedStudents at this level demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of rigorous subject matter and provide sophisticated solutions to complex problems. ProficientStudents at this level demonstrate a solid understanding of challenging subject matter and solve a wide variety of problems Needs Improvement Students at this level demonstrate a partial understanding of subject matter and solve some simple problems FailingStudents at this level demonstrate a minimal understanding of subject matter and do not solve simple problems.
Proficiency Index measures how close a school or district is to having all students score in the Proficient/Advanced categories Performance Level ScoreProficiency Index Advanced Points Proficient Needs Improvement Points Points Warning/Failing Points Points
Grades & Subjects Tested Spring ‘ High School English Language Arts Mathematics Science and Technology/ Engineering Biology Chemistry Introductory Physics Technology/ Engineering
Percent at Each Performance Level
Grade 10 - ELA YearAPNIFA&P MA A&PNI&F MA NI&FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
Grade 10 - Mathematics YearAPNIFA&P MA A&PNI&F MA NI&FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
High School – Biology Year APNIFA&P MA A&PNI&F MA NI&FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
High School – Chemistry YearAPNIFA&P MA A&PNI&F MA NI&FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
High School – Introductory Physics YearAPNIFA&P MA A&PNI&F MA NI&FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
High School – Technology/Engineering YearAPNIFA/P MA A/PNI/F MA NI/FCPI Key: A=Advanced, P=Proficient, NI=Needs Improvement, F=Failing CPI=Composite Performance Index
AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) Determinations Means progress towards 100% of students achieving proficiency by 2014 Measures progress against specific expectations each year Reported annually
Massachusetts NCLB Performance Targets for ELA and Mathematics Current Targets
2007 AYP Criteria A: Participation95% B: PerformanceCPI ELA: 85.4 Math: 76.5 C: ImprovementMeet or Exceed 2007 Improvement Target (specific to districts, schools & subgroups D: Attendance or Graduation Rate 92% or higher (or 1% improvement over 2006) 55% or higher
Two Ways to Make AYP Participation ++ PerformanceImprovement ++ Attendance Rate For Grades 1-8 or Graduation Rate For High School == AYP
Braintree Public Schools ELA 2007 Performance Rating Very High Performance Data State Target: 85.4 CPI: 91.8 Accountability Status No Status Improvement Rating On Target Improvement Data Baseline CPI: 90.2 Gain Target: 1.2 On Target Range:
Braintree Public Schools Mathematics 2007 Performance Rating High Performance Data State Target: 76.5 CPI: 85.3 Accountability Status No Status Improvement Rating Above Target Improvement Data Baseline CPI: 78.5 Gain Target: 2.7 On Target Range:
Strategies for Improvement Next Steps Analyze and use data Item analysis Group analysis Examine/align curriculum Support sub-groups with Special Ed and ELL staff Provide test-taking strategies Academic support grant for High School Title I support Individual student success plan (ISSP)