Wakefield Public Schools Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results High School and Middle School Highlights
YRBS Overview Survey administered in January 2016 to 96% of WMHS student body and 98% of Galvin student body (students who were not represented were either absent or surveys were removed through the validity and cleaning process). YRBS Survey, developed by the Centers for Disease Control, is administered every two years to 7 th -12 th graders in the Wakefield Public Schools
Important Data Trends Overall substance use has trended down, especially at the Galvin, while perception of risk of harm of use of substance use has increased Suicidal thinking remains concerning The number of students who reported sexual contact against will remains high Protective Factors: the number of students who reported having a trusted adult increased at both WMHS & Galvin
Wakefield Memorial High School Substance Use Data
WMHS Tobacco Use 80 less WMHS students smoking cigarettes over the past four years 134 WMHS students reported they used a VAPE or E-Cig in the past month
WMHS Marijuana Use 170 WMHS using marijuana regularly
WMHS Alcohol Use 150 WMHS students got drunk in the past month
25 WMHS students reported they abused prescription pain relievers such as Vicodin or Oxycontin in past month
Substance Use by Grade
WMHS Perception of Risk of Harm
Galvin Middle School (7 th & 8 th Grade) Substance Use Data
Galvin 7 th & 8 th Tobacco and E-Cig (Past 30 days)
Galvin 7 th & 8 th Marijuana Use
Galvin 7 th & 8 th Alcohol Use
Galvin 7 th & 8 th Perception of Risk of Harm
Strategies implemented (past 2 years): Substance Use, Perceptions Wake-Up Coalition with active school faculty and students Health Class Curriculum providing students with increase knowledge of risk of harm and refusal skills (7 th grade, 8 th grade, 9 th grade) – *Increase of Health Education Dosage at Galvin Middle School Peer-to-peer e-cig/vaping presentations in all 9 th grade health classes by Wake-Up Youth Action Team Bathroom Buzz (WMHS) & News Flush (Galvin) to change norms of “everyone is doing it” – Most of us are not Galvin Youth Action Team & High School YAT initiatives SAFE Project (Case Management for WMHS students) Annual Health & Safety Guide reaching every household of students in grades 5-12 (2) Parent Sports Orientation Nights Annual Parent University (2) “In Plain Sight” Open Houses
Goals for the next two years… Continue initiatives from ‘14-’16 Implement requirements from Governor’s Opioid Bill including Educating Athletes & Parents on Rx drugs and substance use Implementing universal screening tool “SBIRT” Increase educational opportunities for 10 th -12 th grade students Increase number of students referred to SAFE Project Target community/parent norms around alcohol
Mental Health
WMHS Suicidal Thinking 65 WMHS students reported they attempted suicide one or more times in the past year
WMHS Emotional Well-being & Self Harm
WMHS Protective Factors
Galvin Suicidal Thinking
Galvin Protective Factors
Strategies implemented (past two years) Mental Health & Student Support District Behavioral Health Team monthly meetings Suicide Coalition established INTERFACE Referral Program Youth Mental Health First Aid: 60+ WPS faculty certified ASSIST Training: 20 WPS faculty certified Student Support Website established Increased programming with Elliot Crisis Management (at school) & continuum of care with schools, police and families Samaritans continued Health Class workshops Student Support Staff outreach at Galvin – Students- visited every Health Class & lunchrooms Increased Parent workshops on Mental Health topics in collaboration with Wake-Up, Parent Partnership & Wakefield SEPAC Increased collaboration within the district & with community partners
Goals for the next two years… Continue programs established in ‘14-’16 +1 Guidance Counselor GMS *already committed Implement K-12 Social-Emotional Curriculum in Health Classes and Elementary Classrooms Increase number of faculty trained in Mental Health First Aid All faculty receive Mental Health 101 (45 minutes) Interface Referral Program Renewal Look into universal Mental Health Screening
Wakefield High School YRBS Sexual Behavior Results
Have had Sexual Intercourse (lifetime)
Of those students who reported they were sexually active…
Violence and Bullying
WMHS: Violence & Bullying
Sexual Contact Against Will and Dating Violence 50 WMHS students reported being hurt physically, sexually or both physically and sexually by someone they were going out with 73 WMHS students reported sexual contact against will
Galvin: Violence & Bullying
4.9% = 27 students
Strategies implemented (past two years) Violence and Bullying School faculty participation in Wakefield Alliance Against Violence (WAAV) Galvin: Olweus curriculum facilitated in Health Classes Galvin & HS Health Class curriculum “Health Smart” includes violence prevention /healthy relationships unit HS Diversity leaders trained by Anti-Defamation League – Leaders go into 9 th & 10th history classes to present lessons on the ID/prevention of bullying, harassment, and discrimination “Yellow Dress”, focused on dating violence, is presented to 11 th graders on an annual basis Galvin and HS Students attended “Be the Change: Youth Leadership” Conference this year
Goals for the next two years… Wakefield was selected to participate in the Attorney General’s/Patriots anti-violence program Game Change. Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) curriculum will be implemented in Health Classes & WHS Athletics. Explore policies such as “Safe Steps for Teens” initiative that has been implemented in some of our surrounding communities Establish a Galvin ADL Peer Leadership Group
WMHS Physical Activity and Screen Time
WMHS: Physical Activity and Screen Time
Galvin: Physical Activity & Screen Time
In Conclusion… Perception is everything: increase perception of harm and use goes down Explore increasing health curriculum to th grade students Maximize use of Mental Health support systems now in place (i.e. New Galvin Guidance Counselor Position, Interface Referral Service, Elliot, SAFE Project) Expand Violence Prevention strategies