Barnstable Public Schools May 9, 2016
Working Together to Support Students Assume positive intent Focus on future Lens – big picture, not individual student Develop systems that will provide broad impact support for students with ID/DD within BPS
Strengthen Elements Across Domains
Brainstorm Goals Let’s Get Started Barnstable Public Schools will provide educational programming for students with Down syndrome and other intellectual and developmental disabilities that accounts for specific, individual needs of each student, and will ensure that: Students will make academic progress Students will be provided with the tools to enter into adulthood with skills that will allow for maximum personal independence, and the skills required for meaningful employment. Students will develop communication skills that will enable them to be fully included, contributing members of their community with maximum personal independence for each individual.
Brainstorm Goals Let’s Get Started Students will make academic progress Students will be provided with the opportunity to be a fully included member of their greater school community. Students will be provided with the opportunity to receive targeted, specialized instruction in the areas that the team identifies. Students will be provided the supports and accommodations to maximize opportunities to learn with and access instruction alongside their typical peers.
Brainstorm Goals Let’s Get Started Students will be provided with the tools to enter into adulthood with skills that will allow for maximum personal independence, and the skills required for meaningful employment. Self-Regulation, skills required for employment (literacy/math skills) Skills of Independent Daily Living
Brainstorm Goals Let’s Get Started Students will develop communication skills that will enable them to be fully included, contributing members of their community with maximum personal independence for each individual. Self-Regulation Vocabulary Development Communication Skills Within the Context of Relationships and Setting
Small Group Task In heterogeneous groups, identify: Structural elements necessary to achieve goals Ex. Identify assessment and curriculum tools Proposed action plan that outlines a step-by-step process
Next Steps Identify area of personal interest for targeted focus within larger group Set dates for upcoming meetings