The Christian and Social Media Be An Example (5)
Definitions Society – people in general living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions and values Social – relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing things together
Definitions Social media – creating social interaction through electronic means, primarily using the internet Internet – a system of interconnected networks which electronically transmit information.
Social media Much good can be accomplished through the internet and social media – instant communication anywhere in the world, time and cost savings, rallying behind noble causes But just a click away: Sins of the flesh False doctrines and religions Human wisdom A time bandit (more later) Unrighteous judging (more later)
Social media Can be good or evil Social media is morally neutral It is how we use it that determines whether it is good or evil! Whether we like it or not, social media is here to stay. Just as there are Biblical standards of conduct within our community, so there are standards online. The often intersect!
Social media Much good can be done for the cause of Christ Churches share the gospel Churches have a “web presence” – many attend as a result of websites. Portable Bibles and related resources Brethren can communicate with one another Prospects and renewed friendships Challenge: If you are on social media, this week post an invitation to our upcoming Gospel Meeting. Link to our website:
Social media Much evil can be done TO the cause of Christ Division Spreading lies and rumors Bitterness Filthy talk – profanity, etc. Poor examples
The Christian and Social Media It is a way to let your light shine! Matthew 5:16 You represent Christ while online as well!
The Christian and Social Media Don’t get caught up in ungodly behaviors 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Ephesians 5:11
The Christian and Social Media Beware of dangers Proverbs 22:1, Romans 12:17 You can damage your reputation and that of others in just a few moments What you post is out there FOREVER!
The Christian and Social Media Be careful what you share! Are you modest? Are you promoting sinful habits and activities? Are you going places you don’t belong?
The Christian and Social Media Choose your friends wisely 1 Corinthians 15:33 Galatians 5:9 We are the body of Christ – Eph. 4:16, 1 Cor. 12:12-27 – do we prefer our brethren? ARE brethren your online friends? Proverbs 22:24-25 Are you willing to “unfriend” the ungodly?
The Christian and Social Media Be TOTALLY honest! Social media is filled with misinformation! Lies, insinuations, accusations, exaggerations, etc. Eph. 4:25, 29, Rev. 21:8 1 Peter 2:12 Be careful what you post or forward from others. If it is a lie, are you complicit in forwarding lies? Verify before you click!
The Christian and Social Media Don’t gossip! Gossip is telling things about others that is unnecessary or untruthful Proverbs 11:13, 20:19 Will we “unfriend” or “delete” the gossip?
The Christian and Social Media Don’t be angry or bitter Ephesians 4:31 Often posts are written in anger. Their tone is seen in their choice of words!
The Christian and Social Media Don’t make unrighteous judgments John 7:24 Proverbs 18:13 Often the product of hearing a rumor (unverified) that angers you. Do we assume the worst motives in what another says?
The Christian and Social Media Don’t glorify yourself Proverbs 25:27, Matt. 23:12. Much of internet chatter is about self-promotion. What about “bullying posts” where one’s integrity, morality, faith, etc. are questioned if they don’t share this with everyone you know?
The Christian and Social Media Manage your time Ephesians 5:16, James 4:14-15 Social media can rob you of valuable time you could use to grow in your faith or to help OTHERS!
The Christian and Social Media Are you addicted? 1 Corinthians 6:12 Internet activities can become addictive! How long can you go without checking your media? Could you go a week without it?
Are you a good “online” neighbor?