Welcome to the Visual Art Program Instructors Mrs. Michelle Kane Mr. Ken J. Kary Mr. Todd Malkus Mrs. Kathleen O’Connor Mentor High School Art Department
Why WE are the BEST if you just wish to ENJOY ART You have an opportunity to work with some of the best Art Teachers in Ohio You will have a chance to work alongside some of Mentor’s best Art Students You can take a semester class in a specific area of “INTEREST” to YOU A Studio Class is a great “break” in your day You have 7 “elective” Art Classes to select from Taking an ART CLASS is just FUN
Why WE are the BEST if you wish to Pursue a Career in ART You are a member of an Elite Program of Artists. Historically Mentor High Art Students have gone on to careers in the Visual Arts that have proven to be exciting and rewarding. Alumni are in contact with us annually sharing information about their education and careers. Students are educated and employed as: Animators Illustrators Graphic Designers Industrial Designers Fashion Designers Museum Curators Art Educators Film Makers Art Therapists Art Historians Interior Designers Photographers Computer Animators Medical Illustrators and Practicing Studio Artists All these careers are Vital in our Society and they provide for you an opportunity to work towards a career that not only will provide you a GOOD living, but also the satisfaction of you having an opportunity to work in a career field that you LOVE! OUR GOAL IS TO PREPARE YOU TO ENTER THE BEST UNIVERSITY OR PRIVATE ART SCHOOL POSSIBLE. MANY OF OUR SENIORS ARE FORTUNATE TO BE OFFERED SCHOLARSHIPS TO ATTEND THESE SCHOOLS. WITH THE INTENSITY OF THE PROGRAM AND THE EXPERTISE OF THE STAFF YOU WILL HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY.
Fine Art : Art 2 Credit: 1.00 Prerequisite: Art 1 and teacher recommendation This class is for the student who wants to continue in the Fine Art sequence. The major emphasis is a continuation of skills and control of media through drawing, design, and painting. A sketchbook is a basic requirement, and a sophomore portfolio will be assembled. This is the first High School class for those who may be seriously considering a career in the Visual Arts. Semesters: 2 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department
Fine Art : Art 3 Credit: 1.00 Prerequisite: Art 2 and teacher recommendation This year the student will work to begin a portfolio that may be used to gain entry into a University or Private Art School program. Students will draw from life, paint, respond to creative problem solving, and deal with two dimensional design both with and without color. A sketchbook will be required, and a junior portfolio will be required. This is the third class in the Fine Arts sequence. Semesters: 2 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department
Fine Art : Art 4 Credit: 1.00 Prerequisite: Art 3 and teacher recommendation Students will develop and refine skills taught in previous classes and develop concepts dealing with individual interpretation of assignments. Again the major emphasis will be on Observational Drawing, and Creative Problem Solving. The goal is to gain acceptance to a higher education Visual Arts program and apply for Visual Art Scholarships. A sketchbook will be required, and a senior portfolio will be assembled. We will also create a slide portfolio for your entrance requirements. This course is the final class for those students in the Fine Arts Program. Semesters: 2 Grades: 12 Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department
Art Foundations 1010: Art Foundations Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: none This course is designed to emphasize observation, color, and design. Relationships between the principles and elements of design will be emphasized as well. This course serves as the Pre-requisite for many of the Art Elective Classes (for those who have not had 9th grade art). Students will be required to purchase a sketchbook and some supplies. This course is a “basic” art class for the inexperienced artist. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department
Ceramics 1012: Ceramics Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations This course will involve students in a variety of hand building techniques as well as wheel thrown forms. Students will also study and practice surface decoration, glazing, and firing of pottery and sculpture. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department
Drawing 1015: Drawing Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations Students will explore a variety of media in the area of drawing. Emphasis will be on both creative problem solving and critical observation. Strong drawing skills are not needed to take this course. Students will be required to purchase a sketchbook. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department Drawing
Jewelry 1022: Jewelry Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations Students electing to take jewelry will be offered the opportunity to design and manufacture personal jewelry and small scale sculpture. Students will be introduced to the basic bench procedures. Safety will be stressed. Students will spend approximately $15-$25 in materials. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department Jewelry
Painting 1024: Painting Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations This course introduces the student to both opaque and transparent painting techniques. Students will paint with tempera, watercolors, and acrylics. Emphasis will be on technique and creative problem solving. Students will be responsible for purchasing some supplies. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department Painting
Photography 1028: Photography Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations Requirement: The student must supply a 35mm camera with a built-in exposure metering system. The camera must also have the capability of overriding this system and allowing the student to manually set both the aperture and the shutter speed, independent of one another. This an introductory course in black and white photography. Students will learn to use their 35mm camera, produce quality black and white photographs and practice basic darkroom procedures. Students will be expected to purchase their own film and photographic paper. Supplies will cost approximately $ This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming with no art experience at this time. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: No Mentor High School Art Department Photography
Printmaking 1020: Printmaking Credit: 0.50 Prerequisite: Fine Art 1, General Art 9 or Art Foundations This course is based upon the four major printing processes. Lessons will cover relief printing using linoleum to intaglio printing using etching plates. The creation of multiple prints, and presentation will be stressed. Purchase of some supplies is necessary. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department Printmaking
Independent Study XXXX: Independent Study Credit: 0.50 to 1.00 Prerequisite: Pre-Approval by a member of the High School Art Faculty This elective class is designed for the student who wishes to continue their studies in a particular art medium. Students can choose to do an independent study in any ART course listed in the Program of Studies. Many Art 4 Seniors do an independent study in Portfolio Prep for college. Choose (with instructor pre-approval) Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Ceramics, Jewelry, Photography, or Fine Art 2,3, or 4. This class is for both Fine Art Majors as well as those coming from Art Foundations. Semesters: 1 or 2 Grades: Fee Required: Yes Mentor High School Art Department Independent Study