Self-Management Strategies Spring 2014
Helps to identify what motivates the individual to engage in a particular behavior. Motivation Assessment Scale
Review your Problem Behavior Pathway Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequence
Operationally Define the Alternative Behavior or Replacement Behavior: Simply Removing Problem Behavior Will Have Limited Long-Term Success
Step 1: Prepare the Self-Management System
Develop a Data Collection System
Examples of Data Collection Sheets And Self-Monitoring Sheets
Instructions: This recording sheet is designed to be used with five time intervals. At the end of each interval, the learner circles whether he or she stayed and played with friends. After the last interval, the learner determines if he or she met the criterion to receive a reinforcer, which in this case is three of the five (60%) intervals. Sample Interval Recording Sheet
Instructions: Each time the student raises her hand to ask a question, she circles the picture of the girl raising her hand. She starts at 4 and counts down to 4 (for a total of 4 hand raises). When she gets to 1, she earns a reinforcer. Sample Recording Sheet for Frequency Criterion
Sample Recording Sheet Positive/Expected Behaviors
Sample Data Sheet: Aggressive Behavior
Sample Self-Monitoring: Raising Hand
Sample Self-Monitoring: Assignment Completion/ Check-in/Check-out
Calming Strategies and Self-Regulation Examples
The Incredible 5 Point Scale Examples
Other Self- Management Visual Examples
Technology Schedules Lists of Tasks to Complete Calendars Visual Supports Timers Apps
Ultimate Goals Decrease Use of Paraprofessional Enhance Skills Needed for Employment Enhance Skills Needed for Post- Secondary Options Enhance Quality of Life
Jot down 3 ideas for promoting self-management among your students. Share with your team.