Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 16 The Prophet Jeremiah Jer 1-20
Some introductory items that tell us just how bad it was in Judah… As good as Josiah’s reforms were, they receive NO mention in this prophecy Judah compared to Israel Jer 3:6-11 Not even 1 righteous man could be found to avoid eventual destruction Jer 5:1-13 How God felt re: child sacrifices Jer 19:5 Prayer forbidden Jer 7:16 11:14 14:11 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20) Judah Was Unrecoverable
God Calls Jeremiah 1:1-19 Dated vv. 1-4 [Approx B.C.] Jeremiah receives personal words of encouragement vv. 5-10, Jeremiah also receives 2 signs vv An almond tree [play on Hebrew words] A boiling pot facing away from the north [overflow of destruction] The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Judah’s Apostasy 2:1 – 3:5 Her early faithful betrothal 2:1-3 Her unfaithfulness 2:4 – 3:5 How had God been an untrue Husband? A brief review of her stubbornness in her wandering years 2:5-8 A scathing rebuke of her idolatry 2:9-37 esp. vv. 13, God’s longsuffering & mercy 3:1-4 Deut 24:1-4 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Judah Worse Than Israel 3:6 – 4:2 NOTE: it’s been almost 100 years since Israel fell Judah was worse because she saw why Israel fell…still copied her sins 3:6-11 God invites His people to return only if they will truly repent 3:12 – 4:2 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Threat Of Overwhelming Punishment If No Repentance 4:3 – 6:30 Evil from the north (Babylon) 4:6-7 Jeremiah’s distress & lament because he is allowed to foresee Jerusalem’s inevitable judgment, destruction 4:19-31 God offers pardon & protection if just 1 righteous soul could be found 5:1-5 Her unbelievable, horrible state 5:30-31 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Threat Of Overwhelming Punishment If No Repentance 4:3 – 6:30 Jerusalem’s destruction is certain… despite the calls to “seek the old paths where the good way is, and walk in it” 6:1-30 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Message At The Temple 7:1 – 10:25 Do not trust in deceptive words 7:4 Jerusalem the same as Shiloh 7:12-14 Jeremiah forbidden to pray 7:16 Judah’s sins listed 8:1-22 Dumb idols contrasted with Jehovah 10:1-25 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Two Conspiracies 11:1-23 Against Jehovah vv esp. vv. 9ff Against Jeremiah vv The Marred Girdle 13:1-27 A good garment was allowed to ruin, become worthless Indicative how bad Judah had become v. 11 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Drought, Prayer For Mercy…Jehovah Still Says “No” 14:1 – 15:21 Jeremiah continued to care for Judah, battle false prophets God was committed in His refusal to help His people…specifically, for the past sins of Manasseh 15:1, 4 The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Instructions For Jeremiah 16:1-13 Do not marry vv. 1-4 Do not attend funerals vv. 5-7 Do not attend festivals vv. 8-9 Prepare for “pushback” from the people re: your unpopular preaching vv The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Excerpts From Jeremiah’s Unpopular Preaching 17:1-27 Judah’s sins written down with an iron stylus, engraved with a diamond point Your treasures will become spoil/booty Judah had kindled a fire in God’s anger “Cursed is he who trusts in mankind” “Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord” The Sabbath must be observed The disobedient city will be devoured The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
The Potter’s Vessel 18:1-23 Analogy of a potter w/clay at the wheel (God & man/nations) Rom 9:20-21 Potter’s will is supreme over the clay Bad could become good at potter’s discretion (clay still moldable) The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
The Broken Jar 19:1-15 Clay no longer soft…now a hardened jar Scene = valley of Ben-Hinnom Prophecy of bad times in coming siege and destruction To seal the prophecy, Jeremiah instructed to break the jar (beyond repairing) * previous slide The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
Pashhur’s Reaction 20:1-18 When Pashhur heard Jeremiah’s prophecy, he had the prophet beaten and put in the stocks vv. 1-2 Released the next day, Jeremiah changes Pashhur’s name, and prophesies what will happen to him vv. 3-6 Jeremiah’s inner struggle re: his work vv The Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1-20)
1)We can learn from the consequences of others’ sins Rom 15:4 1 Cor 10:1-11 2)“Do not trust in deceptive words found on the side of a church building” Rev 1:12-13, 20 2:5 3)There is only 1 good way to walk… the “old paths” Mt 7:14 Jn 14:6 The Prophet Jeremiah “If it’s true, it’s not new.” “If it’s new, it’s not true.”