john m. dettoni, ph.d. april
WHAT IS “VISION?” What are some common understandings regarding what vision is or means? 2
Vision is a dream, prophecy, revelation, fantasy, imagination, image, intuition, foresight, etc. Something that is not yet, but the organization hopes will become a reality soon. 3
Vision answers these questions: Where are we now? Where we are going? Why are we going there? – mission and mission issues How will we get there – planning and execution How successfully are we getting there? Have we achieved our vision? And now: What next? 4
VISION IS: 1. both an idea and ideal that provide new direction and purpose - an “inspiration” 5
VISION IS: 2. a fresh, new insight into how an organization can move forward to do better what it is doing and do new things both in the local community and around the world. 6
VISION IS: 3. to receive new motivation to be renewed, refreshed, reawakened, and quickened to an exciting new opportunity, outreach, service, product, etc. 7
VISION IS: 4. to be enabled to think NEW THOUGHTS, to DREAM NEW DREAMS, to dare to begin to DO NEW THINGS because our thinking has been renewed and refreshed and stimulated. 8
VISION IS: 5. Dreams, desire, hopes. 9
SUMMARY: Vision is what the ORGANIZATION see itself being (not just doing), its modified old identity or its new self-identity, and the organization’s beliefs about itself and what it should become today. 10
SOURCE OF VISION? Open eyes to what is going on around us. Inspiration from some external source: book, discussions, government, research, friends, competition, God, being sensitive to surroundings of one’s culture and society and the world around us near and far! Look at problems as opportunities to make a difference. 11
WHY IS “VISION” NECESSARY? “An organization which just perpetuates today’s level of vision, excellence, and accomplishment has lost the capacity to adapt. And since the one and only thing certain in human affairs is change, it will not be capable of survival in a changed tomorrow.” (Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive, HarperCollins Books, 1997, pp 37-38) 12
“If you don’t know where you are going, then anywhere is o.k.!!” “If you don’t know where you are going, you will be sure to get there!” “Aim at nothing and you will be sure to hit it!” “Shoot, then draw the target! This way you will always hit the target center/bulls eye!!” 13
VISION PROVIDES: View of the future.... what we hope to BE and DO! – Notice both: existential and as much as possible concrete - dream but within parameters of reality --But dream big! Easier to cut back than to add on later! 14
HINDRANCES TO VISION Seven last words that are the Kiss of Death for any organization or for one’s personal life: “We never did it that way before.” “We have always done it this way.” “We have not changed in 1000 years so why change now?” 15
HOW TO OBTAIN A NEW VISION, OR HOW TO OBTAIN A VISION 1. Those in the organization seek for a new vision for the organization. No one outside of your organization has the authority to tell you what your vision should be. 16
2. Review the nature of your organization: Why does your organization exist? What brought it into existence to begin with? What needs were you trying to meet when you first began? What are your current resources: personnel, equipment/building, finances? What were your successes? Your failures? Why? How has society changed around you? 17
3. What are the needs of society around you? Study your society and your own organization. Know who you are and know what is going on in your society. Pay attention to demographics!! 18
4. What therefore should be our vision for the next ____months/years/decades? 19
5. Vision is valuable only if the PEOPLE OF VISION make the vision a reality. Go from vision to strategic and tactical planning. Without proper planning the vision will fizzle! Like a balloon that does not get tied: you can blow it up, but if you don’t tie the end, it will deflate. So with VISION! We have to tie things together with plans to make the vision reality. 20
6. Input (insights, advice, comments, opinions, etc. ) from official leaders, informal leaders, and all who are stake holders in the organization. 21
Don’t expect people lower down in the organization to be excited about the leaders’ vision if the lower people are not involved in helping to define and shape the vision. Get “buy-in” from all who will be responsible to implement the vision. 23
7. Take necessary time together…. …to think, …to study society, …to talk together with all stake holders to determine what the vision should be. …to develop and refine the vision so that most of those involved are “on board.” Not one person can have the whole vision for any organization. It must be a shared vision of all the people with each other who become co-workers with each other! 24
Given what we have focused on, what are some major roles of leaders in the “vision” thing? 25
8. The role of the leader or leaders is to carry the vision, to insure that the vision is being carried out, to remind people of the vision, to be a cheerleader! 26