Knowing morphemes plays a valuable role in learning vocabulary from context Need intentional and explicit instruction Direct teaching vocabulary isn’t sufficient What will help: Reading and exposure to a variety of text Rich oral language
incremental-gradual, needs multiple exposures multidimensional- words have multiple meanings Interrelated-knowledge of words connect together
Requires many encounters with words in the spoken and written context Gradual process Requires repetition Variety of instructional methods needed Socio-economic factor play a role in previous vocabulary knowledge Reading is the key (in and out of school)
Variety of texts, various levels of difficulty Read for enjoyment Any reading will promote vocabulary growth
Network of knowledge related to a word Semantic knowledge-word meaning Linguistic knowledge-roots, and how their meanings inter-connect Dog=Lab=Gus=neighbor’s poodle=walk=run=not cat=etc. One word can trigger association with a lot of other words
R.I.M. (Dr. Chris Street) Repetitive (encounter often) Integrated (everyday experiences) Meaningful context (meaningful usage)
Student’s background knowledge before reading
Graphic organizers: concept maps, double entry journals, KWL charts, compare and contrast matrixes, sorting chart, venn diagram, goal mountain, concept wheels and others Free-writing, short, ungraded Word expert pairs-student teach vocab Visual aids and frequent writing assignments Inter-active games Technology can be used as a tool Dictionary-looking up words and writing down definitions does not produce in-depth knowledge Teachers must teach how to use the definitions Teachers need to evaluate their instructional methods and restructure as necessary.
1) Which one of the following does not describe word knowledge: A) incremental B) explicit C) multi-dimensional D) interrelated E) all of the above
How would you activate prior knowledge before reading?