connect communicate collaborate Connecting Helix Nebula EGI Technical Forum Prague Sep Niels Hersoug; General Manager, DANTE Ltd; Project Manager GÉANT
connect communicate collaborate 2 Agenda What is GÉANT The GÉANT vision Connecting Helix Nebula What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 3 Agenda What is GÉANT The GÉANT vision Connecting Helix Nebula What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 4 What is GÉANT? Network as of Today One of the world’s largest and most advanced Research and Education Network 25 European POPs 12,000 km of dark fibre on 18 routes 50,000 km network infrastructure on 44 routes Widely diversified footprint: – Serves 40 million users – 8,000 institutions – Across 40 European countries Covering 32 European nations Reaches a further 50 NRENs outside Europe GÉANT is co-funded by Europe’s NRENs and the European Commission (EC) under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Project Partners are 32 European NRENs, TERENA and DANTE > 350 staff works in GÉANT across Europe What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 5 European topology Local campus networks National research and education networks GÉANT backbone Hybrid network: GÉANT IP: packet routed –and VPNs GÉANT Plus: switched p to p circuits GÉANT Lambda: dedicated wavelength What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 6 Where is GÉANT? GEANT members Associate members Europe…..and across the world! A ubiquitous European academic network: 34 European countries Every EU member state An expanding consortium with most recent members from Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate Beyond Europe - The Global Research Village GÉANT connects to international networks enabling researchers and students to collaborate on a global scale. What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 8 What is GÉANT? Quite a BIG Project... Total cost ca 182 M€ over 4 years Approximately 51% EC funding 34 project partners (NRENs + DANTE + TERENA) Connecting together EU NRENs Circa 500 person years over 4 years for service development, research, and networking GÉANT is now 11 years old! What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 9 What is DANTE ? Project manager for GÉANT DANTE (Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe) Not for Profit organisation, Established 1993 by 11 EU NRENs Based in Cambridge UK, DANTE is a truly European company We have a diverse, multi-lingual staff representing many different nationalities DANTE's purpose is to plan, build and operate pan-European research and education networks DANTE's Role Vehicle for European NRENs to co-ordinate research and education networking DANTE's activities typically include: Project management Data communications infrastructure development Project feasibility assessment Procurement exercises Network service development and provision Information dissemination and customer support DANTE currently has an annual turnover of approximately 40 million Euros What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 10 What sets GÉANT apart from others? Robustness Outstanding service availability and quality Capacity Over 1,000 Terabytes of data transferred via the GÉANT IP backbone …every day Key routes on 40 Gbps Upgrades to 500 Gbps currently rolling out Network remains ahead of user demand for bandwidth Flexibility Services and infrastructure can be tailored to individual user requirements. Efficient operations and total support from dedicated NOC Portfolio of advanced services – connectivity, network support and access services for NRENs, institutions and projects, researchers and students What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 11 Service Availability and Quality Statistics for the past 6 months demonstrate that, of the 34 NREN partners connected to the GÉANT IP backbone: 13 NRENs have diverse, redundant connections via GÉANT fibre infrastructure benefit from a service availability over % In total 28 NRENs benefit from a service availability over 99.99% On average, all NRENs, regardless of location and method of access to the GÉANT network benefit from a service availability of 99.9% What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 12 Efficient operations and support - GÉANT NOC (UK) GÉANT Network Operations Centre (NOC) Day-to-day management of two parts : GÉANT Service Desk (SD) GÉANT Network Control Centre (NCC). The GÉANT SD First point of contact, 24/7, every day of the year Monitors basic network health and creates tickets for network incidents, planned maintenance and new service requests. The GÉANT NCC Responsible for Network problems diagnosis Organising and overseeing repairs and maintenance Configuring new services. What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 13 Agenda What is GÉANT The GÉANT vision Connecting Helix Nebula What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 14 Mission Statement: GÉANT connects Europe with a Hybrid infrastructure that is: – …Multi Domain with a dense Pan-European footprint – …with aggregated Peta Bit Class switching… – …with Multi Terra Bit nodes and… – …with hundreds of Giga Bit transmission… – …with a Global reach to all regions in the World – strongly supporting Global Collaboration GÉANT … …populates this infrastructure with advanced Multi Domain Services and Applications. …has Operational Excellence of all aspects as a prime leading star …is positioned Second To None on a Global scale. GÉANT … Provides equal opportunity of access to all European scientists What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 15 Agenda What is GÉANT The GÉANT vision Connecting Helix Nebula What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 16 GÉANT Policies GÉANT is a network for Research and Education…. GÉANT does not have a written acceptable use policy GÉANT accepts all traffic from GÉANT NRENs GÉANT accepts traffic beneficial to GÉANT NRENs (Global NRENs, Google etc) GÉANT Executive committee has discussed the Helix Nebula request and agreed: GÉANT would welcome HN as a network user Relationship needs to be clarified: – Paying customer? – Research partner? What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 17 Practicalities of Connecting How could Helix Nebula connect to GÉANT? 1.Via an NREN (most academic/research sites do this) No restriction from a GÉANT perspective Most NRENs will charge for the connection National rules vary DANTE can be the single point of contact for Helix Nebula Via an Internet Exchange or GÉANT PoP If GÉANT agrees a formal research partnership with Helix Nebula… …this IP connectivity would be provided free-of-charge Dedicated, private connectivity via GÉANT Plus or GÉANT Lambda 1Gbps -100Gbps …likely to incur extra cost What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 18 Connecting Cloud Sigma In Switzerland SWITCH peering with Cloud Sigma already Established at the SwissIX exchange point In Zurich. SWITCH has a 10G access to the SwissIX Cloud Sigma access bandwidth is unknown Direct 10G peering can be established Need an additional 10G interface plus a cross connect inside the exchange point Fully redundant direct connection … Can be made but this would need more time and money. What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 19 Connecting T Systems in Germany T Systems International is already connected to DFN Because TSI operates the network of German Aerospace Agency (DLR) The connection only carry traffic from/to DLR. DFN has a contract with DLR DLR is Helix Nebula partner The connection can probably be upgraded to carry both DFN and Helix Nebula traffic German Aerospace Agency (DLR) What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 20 Connecting Atos in The Netherlands Connection at AMS-IX Possible to connect to a 10G port Direct connection to SurfNet Supported in the Gigaport project. What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula
connect communicate collaborate 21 Agenda What is GÉANT The GÉANT vision Connecting Helix Nebula What is GÉANTGÉANT visionConnecting Helix Nebula