Meet the Crew 2 For employees, by employees.
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Why? 2013 OHR Survey 2015 OHR Survey Score increased 314% BUT there are lots of opportunities for improvements & areas we should sustain 3 *-100 to 100 scale 0 being a 50% score essentially. Getting beyond 29.8 is aggressive, but we’re committed to putting our best foot forward and trying.
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES How? 1 st time Employee Engagement has been an employee- led effort (rather than by leadership) 1 st step was analysis of the 2015 OHR Survey Results 4
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES How? This led to a creation of a follow-up survey focusing on areas to sustain & areas to improve After the survey, the Employee Engagement team will create action plans We will continually reach out for your feedback! You can start providing it now! 5
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES What now? The follow-up survey focuses on four sections 6 Our goal is 100% participation! Leadership Career Paths Communications Diversity *FTEs Only
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES When can I take this survey? 7 Team meetings Computer lab open Online Link 2/19 - 3/4 3/7 - 3/8 2/19 - 3/18 Method Time Period
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Survey details 8 14 questions (5 minutes or less to complete) No association of responses to a particular individual or group 100% anonymous Survey created by and will be analyzed by the employee led Employee Engagement team
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES When can I take this survey? 9 Team Meeting Visits & Survey Web Link Open February 2016
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES When can I take this survey? 10 Team Meeting Visits Lab Open for Surveys Survey Web Link Open March 2016
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Where can I send my suggestions? 11 If you want to remain anonymous in your feedback you can submit in the last question of the survey OR in our anonymous drop box in SharePoint. anonymous drop box in SharePoint General ideas (that you don’t mind others seeing) can be added to our Employee Engagement SharePoint list.Employee Engagement SharePoint list So beam the ideas up Scotty! We need to hear from you! As a third option, we added a space on the white board in the TS recreational room (3 rd floor of Webb). You can add your feedback to that board.
TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Questions? Comments? Suggestions? 12 Project Lead: David Bobrowski Co-Lead: Pennie Billing Project Sponsor: Alex Stefanacci