English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn What is Bug Club? A reading programme that the school will use, combined with our range of hard copy graded reading books, to help teach reading The programme includes carefully graded reading books and eBooks Children can take home the books as well as accessing eBooks via a personalised website
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Why are we using eBooks? Children can enjoy reading books onscreen and completing fun quiz questions found in the eBooks The quiz questions will help the children practise their reading skills The eBooks are also audio-books, so children can enjoy hearing an expressive reading of the book
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Getting the most out of the eBooks Children can read at their own pace. Encourage your child to attempt all quizzes. We can track their progress and help them with types of quiz questions they struggle with. Allow your child to read a favourite eBook again.
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn How can you help at home with reading ? Set aside time to read with them in the evening. Ask questions about something they have read. Encourage them to read different texts, e.g. newspapers, stories, magazines, biographies, factual writing. Take your child to the library to discover a fantastic range of books and activities.
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Big Write Big Writing takes place every week on a Wednesday and lasts for one hour and 45 minutes. The focus of the writing will be introduced to the class the day before and a ‘Big Talk’ homework activity will be set. The whole year group will have the Big Writing time at the same time.
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn It is split into two separate sessions. Before break there is a one hour session: 20 minutes of fast, fun and lively vocabulary, grammar and punctuation games; 20 minutes of looking at good example of similar writing; finally 20 minutes of planning time. After break there is a 45 minute session (with soft lighting and calming music) for the children to write.
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Helping your child with grammar and punctuation Grammar is best taught in context within children’s: everyday talk everyday reading everyday writing
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn We follow a structured spelling programme called ‘No Nonsense Spelling’ that encourages a range of strategies environment necessary (one collar, 2 sleeves) Separate (has a rat in it) where (a word within a word) Wed-nes-day (over articulation) Piece (i before e except after c)
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Children will have a copy of the year 3 and 4 spelling words in the back of their homework books, which they can practise at home if you choose. However we don’t send lists of spellings home or formally test them weekly as this is proven to be an ineffective way of developing spelling knowledge.
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn How can you help at home with writing Read through your child’s work and help them to check for any punctuation errors Have a dictionary on hand and encourage them to use it when doing all homework
English at Guillemont Mrs Kristy Llewellyn Encourage your child to write for fun (stories, letters, a journal or lyrics to a song). Make some time to do the ’Big Talk’ - Help your child to plan their ideas before they do a ‘Big Write’ at school - jot down some key ideas, information or vocabulary that they would like to include.
Mr Denis Foster Headteacher
Since we last met you (October 2015) Published KS2 Results Re-organisation of the school structure (staff) New Curriculum No Levels → Age related expectations Benchmarking all Yr3 on entry Improving the facilities
Since we last met you (October 2015) NoR for 2016 – three classes (new accommodation) Focus on writing – The Big Write Teaching of mathematics Music, Drama and Activities Reading – Guided Reading and Bug Club
Since we last met you (October 2015) Homework (website) Approach is based on educational research Weekly mathematics – My Maths Topic Homework – family can join in Reading / Spelling Times Tables
Some things are different to other schools No uniform but a dress code Lots of animals (and plants) Our expectation of behaviour Partnerships and an open door policy Flexible learning spaces and site with outstanding facilities Excellent Governors that get involved A website for adults
Things that I’m really proud of: Quality of the teachers and the support staff that work with children in a framework of mutual respect Smiling faces Opportunities we offer (Music, Drama, Art and Sport) This school has a unique ethos Screening to assess needs so that we can best support every child – teachers are assisted by specialist LSA/HLTA Inclusive of all groups of learners
We are a child-centred school The school is organised around the children We aim for the best outcomes for your child (not just academic) Responding to changing times but hold traditional views (kindness, politeness and manners) We have separate year groups for the whole school and a teacher for one year Stimulating learning environment
What do we really believe in? Child centred learning and informed parents First hand experiential curriculum Focus on all aspects of school life and provide a wide range of opportunities for all our learners Traditional things are very important to us – handwriting, reading for pleasure, spelling, writing, mathematics and science Use of technology
What’s next? BASC (Child Care) Time with your child’s new teacher Visit your child’s classroom for next year Meet the teacher / look at some work from Yr3 HT, DHT (SENCo) are available You are all invited (family) to join us for our Summer Bar-B-Que Friday 1 st July pm – 7pm
Meet the teacher We will now ask you to leave the hall and proceed to your child’s classroom (from September 2016) and meet the class teacher Class DD Mr Dedman accompanied by KL Class SB Mrs Bartlett accompanied by VG Class KT Miss Thomas accompanied by EW A reminder that if you require a conversation with the teacher, please book an appointment.