NIGP Chapter Collaboration
KCRPE - History Why collaboration? - Do more with less – cost effective training and networking Three chapters, MACPP, KAPPP, & MAPP First event early 1980’s Started with a “green” event emphasis Central location to all 3 chapters Meet every other year Earn NIGP contact hours
KCRPE - Planning Meet the needs of all chapters & entities Always involve all three chapters for: –General planning committee –Subcommittees Use variety of entity types –Facilitators and instructors Mix entity types on committees –City, county, state, utility, education, etc.
KCRPE - Subcommittees Facilities Program Vendor/Expo Delegates Special event CPPB/CPPO Golf tournament, other Hospitality Publications Photographer
KCRPE - Vendors Registration Expo plan – ½ day works for us Vendor sponsors for meals, door prizes, bags, items for delegate packets Sell advertising in program book How do you sell vendors? Sold out booths - 84
KCRPE - Delegates Registration Delegate packets with event information Assemble packets Shirts (or other special event item) Special event – Thursday evening –Masquerade, dinner theater, ballgame, rodeo, comedy club, use local attractions Attendance increased from 50 to 160
KCRPE - Program Theme determines topics – we all have same issues and opportunities Opening and closing speaker-motivational NIGP Presidential visit Regional representative Use your chapter resources Awards breakfast
KCRPE - Hospitality Meals Delegate/vendor mixer – 2 free drink tickets, finger foods Refreshments at breaks Choose drink types carefully Check with hotel for guidelines on food
KCRPE – Publications & Photographer Distribute registration forms Web page Program book Signage Communications Event photographer
KCRPE – Classes/Tournaments CPPB/CPPO review NIGP classes Golf tournament Chapter meetings
KCRPE - Communication Communication – the most important Early notification to vendors and delegates Regular communication Everyone’s responsibility
KCRPE - Financials Keep fees as low as possible Determined by program Vendor registration fees –Specials can be worked out with advertising and sponsorship Delegate registration fees Special event cost Guest, meal, and single day cost Keep $3,000 seed money Chapters divide remaining revenue