1 Developing Community Leadership Supporting improvements to communities' health and wellbeing Liam Pickering - Housing and Public Health Partnerships Officer Kerrie Gallagher – Community Capacity Manager Tony Cooke – Housing Access and Standards Manager
Communities and Health and Wellbeing. Why does it matter to South Norfolk? 2 District Councils have a significant contribution to the wider determinants of health Working with our communities is central to this
Supporting people in strong communities 3 Integrated Housing Adaptations Team Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Housing Standards Energy Efficiency Team HandypersonCare and Repair But to remain well people need the right support in their communities… We provide a range of services to help people stay healthy and independent… Homeless prevention Housing Advice
What is Early Help? It’s about making sure the right support is available as soon as someone needs it. Strengthening wider support for communities, enabling individuals and families to be more resilient, reducing the need for crisis level interventions.
The Help Hub 27 Different Services From a range of organisations, both statutory and voluntary sector. Practitioners from different agencies work side by side, giving each other advice, information and practical support in order to ensure the most positive outcomes for families and individuals.
It’s not “what’s wrong” ….it’s “WHAT’S STRONG” Common myths:The reality: “all people of the same age group want the same thing” Communities are diverse and contain different people with different views. “If you build it, they will come”People come together for common interests or issues. “Good communities manage/run themselves, they don’t need support” Local people care deeply but may feel powerless to make a difference. “ Developing community leadership is about telling a community what is wrong and getting them to fix it” Working with communities tells us where the gaps are. There is a local desire to improve things.
4 Key Elements of Community Capacity Building Organisations Building Access Building Skills Building Involvement Building The Idea
9 Supporting Community Leadership Community Action Fund Delivered across 5 neighbourhood areas Our community Capacity team supports groups, clubs and individuals to access funding to support their community….. They also work with local charities and groups to access external funding sources
10 Community Leadership in Action Some examples: Men’s Shed Shuffle Board Dementia Support Groups Norfolk Baby Bank
Why do we do this? 11 The impact on health and wellbeing of strong communities Access to support for those in need Reducing isolation Promoting and maintaining independence Improving health of the general population Reducing the demand on formal health and care services Addressing the wider determinants of health Early identification of need
The future for developing community leadership 12 Working with communities to develop a place based approach to health and wellbeing: Using local knowledge and expertise to develop an evidence base Local profiles to identify health and wellbeing gaps Working with local people to help them fill these gaps Working with partners to ensure the right services are available in the right place at the right time. Closer integration with Health and Social Care.