Religious Wars
The Spanish French War Ends 1559 Spanish win Its ends = new wars based on religion start New wars = bigger armies and more gun powder Propaganda used Peace of Westphalia (1648) ended religious wars, also ended idea of unified Christian society
France (1515 – 1559) 1500, plague, disorder loss of power Kings strive for centralization Francis I and Henry II Wars were costly Concordat of Bologna (1516) – king recognizes supremacy of papacy in exchange to appoint French bishops (simony) Catholicism as State religion in France Corrupt French Church Protestantism looks good to people who want reform
Religious Wars in France Calvinist nobility tried to gain control over weak king Riots – religious concern of lower class and power struggle of upper class Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre – Huguenots (French Calvinists) hunted down and 3000 killed (1572) King Henry IV’s Edict of Nantes (1598) –Saved France by allowing protestant worship
Netherlands and Charles V Low Countries = Netherlands Part of Hapsburg Empire Economic Success and Autonomy Charles gives up throne in 1556 –Brother – Ferdinand –Son – King Philip of Spain
Phillip II Son of Charles V Since dad had ruled world, Phil didn’t see himself as a certain nationality... Saw himself in terms of RELIGION CALTHOLIC FANATIC Wanted to re-Catholicize Europe (built palace in the shape of a grill since his favorite saint died that way!) In /3 Spanish population in Church service
Phil and Liz Elizabeth I of England Philip II of Spain Religious loyalty knows no bounds
Spanish Golden Age 1550 – 1560 Cervantes – Don Quixote De Vega – dramas El Greco, Murillo, Velazquez - painters
Revolt in Nethers Calvinism took hold of merchants and bankers –Resented Spanish interference Attempt to get rid of Calvinism = inquisition in Netherlands –Duke of Alva – Council of Troubles (Council of Blood) –Sentenced people to death, collected taxes, confiscated land –Common ENEMY! Calvinists gained popular support Finally split into Spanish Netherlands (catholic) and United Provinces of the Netherlands (Protestant)
Elizabeth I She is excommunicated Has her rival Mary Queen of Scots (Catholic) executed –Don Juan Spanish naval hero wanted to invade England, Marry Mary and make England Catholic Supports the Northern (Protestants) Safe guard of Spanish attack on England Wars in Netherlands had hurt English economy
Spanish Armada Phil – defender of Catholicism Planned war on England –Return England to Catholic Church –Couldn’t concur dutch without getting English first Sends out Armada 130 ships, 30,000 men – hugest fleet in history Armada is destroyed in a storm off coast of Scotland! truce between Spain and Eng. Phil also recognizes United Provinces
Results England united! Hated pope, more protestants than ever Armada gone = England assumes superiority of the seas! Dutch become very strong too 1607 – Virginia = England 1612 – New York = Dutch (called New Amsterdam) Spain on decline – weakened by: Inflation Taxation Emigration (Moriscos shipped out Spain, skilled artisans) Depopulation
MAP Assignment Create a map of Europe using Kagan pg 412 as a guide (no tracing, all free hand) Label: –Holy Roman Empire –England –France –Spain –Netherlands –Italy