Greek Tragedy Important Points to Remember
Four Qualities of Greek Drama: 1. Greek dramas were performed for special occasions--particularly religious festivals. Athens had four festivals worshipping Dionysus, known as Bacchus by the Romans, who was the god of wine, fertility, and rebirth.
Four Qualities of Greek Drama: 1. Greek dramas were performed for special occasions--particularly religious festivals. Athens had four festivals worshipping Dionysus, known as Bacchus by the Romans, who was the god of wine, fertility, and rebirth. 2. Greek dramas were competitive, and there were prizes awarded to the winning playwright. Ironically, Sophocles’ Oedipus, the play that Aristotle identified as the perfect example of a tragedy, apparently didn't win in 430 BC. It came in 2 nd. 3. Greek plays were choral. A chorus of men, varying in number from three to fifty, sang in interaction with the actors, who were known as thespians. 4. Greek plays were closely associated with religion, and thus were based on myth or history.