Socorro Independent School District Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
What is Pre-AP? Pre-Advanced Placement Program Administered by the College Board, and allows students to participate in college preparation courses leading to college level AP courses offered in high school Provides rigorous courses in grades Develops the skills, habits of mind, and concepts students need to succeed in college Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Pre-AP Beliefs All students can perform at rigorous academic levels To prepare every student for higher intellectual engagement by the development of skills and acquiring of knowledge as early as possible Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Advantages of Pre-AP Courses Students are better prepared for college Pre-AP classes are more challenging and rigorous Students acquire skills needed to succeed in AP courses at the high school level Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Why should my student take Pre-AP classes? Pre-AP strengthens the skills students need to think critically and analyze problems – much like any college level course. College Admissions Counselors recommend students for admissions based on a rigorous high school course transcript. Students who succeed in Pre-AP courses generally do well in college. Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
How do Pre-AP classes compare to other school courses? Courses are more challenging and require a higher level of performance. Students get a head start on college level work. Students improve their writing skills, study habits, and problem solving abilities. Pre-AP classes require that students be involved and motivated. Curriculum and instruction will be presented at a rigorous academic level to ensure students are consistently being challenged. Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
What background does my student need to succeed in Pre-AP courses? Must able to read perceptively and independently. Must possess maturity, motivation, and self-discipline. Have a strong foundation in traditional course areas. Must possess good speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. Be a creative and imaginative thinker. Have good collaborative skills. Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Students and parents must sign an agreement indicating they agree and understand the requirements of the course(s) Students who are not successful in the courses may be moved and placed in a more appropriate course Additional Requirements for Pre-AP Courses Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Late Work Policy Late work will not be accepted. Students will be able to redo assignments but an average of the initial grade (which would be a zero for not turning the assignment) and grade earned for the redo will be entered into the gradebook.
Application If you are currently in a Pre AP course please write “Currently in Pre AP” followed by the content area, at the top of you application. Students will have to apply to any new Pre AP courses.
Criteria for Qualifying for Pre AP 1.Most Recent State Assessment Scores (will apply to Math and ELAR courses) 2.Report Card Grades (1 st 3 marking periods) 3.Teacher recommendation (current teacher in content area being applied)
Criteria (continued) 4.Signed Contract (by both student and parent) 5.Summer Assignment 6.Personal Narrative 7.Academic Committee Approval
Writing Prompt (Choose 1) What was the worst mistake or decision you have ever made in life? What could you have done differently? Write about something you now know that you wish you knew earlier in your life? How could this knowledge have helped you? If you invented a device that could fix one problem you are facing right now, would you use it? What problem would you like to solve. What 5 traits do people first notice when they meet you for the first time? Describe your feelings in regards to an issue in today’s society, and what would be done to fix it?
Application Due Date All applications will be due to Mr. McDonald or Mrs. Bustamante no later than May 18 th.
Probationary Period 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 9 weeks If at the 9 weeks the student is not passing the Pre AP, they will be placed in a regular education course.
Lottery In the event we have too many qualified applicants a lottery system will be used to select students for the Pre AP course.
Questions? Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Program
Breakout Sessions Current 5 th Grade in Art Room Current 6 th Grade in Cafeteria Current 7 th Grade in Gym