Transition to College Algebra Pilot Kansas State Department of education The Kansas Board of Regents March 28, 2016
Jolene Maltz USD 259
Introductions Melissa Fast – Kansas State Department of Education Susan Fish – Kansas Board of Regents Jean Redeker – Kansas Board of Regents Sarah Stevens – USD 259 Liz Peyser – USD 259
We are many… 38 School Districts 40 High Schools 20 Community/Technical Colleges 800 High School Seniors
Turn and Talk… List reasons you believe this class will benefit high school students.
FORESIGHT 2020 GOAL 1 Increase Higher Education Attainment: Increase to 60% the number of Kansas adults who have earned a certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree by Achieve a ten percentage point increase in retention and graduation rates by 2020.
In 2014 at Community Colleges... Of 18,354 first time, degree seeking students: 7,204 (39%) enrolled in one or more remedial courses 1,604 (22%) completed remedial courses and College Algebra or College Composition
The outcomes are different for math and language arts. Of 18,354 first time, degree seeking students: 3,784 (21%) enrolled in remedial reading and/or writing. 1,429 (38%) completed College Composition. 5,682 (31%) enrolled in remedial math. 1,203 (21%) completed College Algebra.
Age makes a difference year olds enrolled in remedial courses at a slightly higher rate, about 40%. But they completed gateway courses at significantly higher rates, about 36%.
Kansas Board of Regents GOAL 5 ( ) Begin implementation of the recommendations of the Developmental Education Working Group. These will include development of a course to be offered in the senior year in high school that could enable more students to enter college taking credit- bearing mathematics and composition classes.
CHARGE TO THE MATH COMMITTEE To develop a course to be offered in the senior year of high school that could enable more students to enter college taking credit bearing mathematics classes
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Marie Henderson, USD 428, Great Bend Sarah Stevens, USD 259, Wichita Michele Bach, Kansas City Kansas Community College Nancy Carpenter, Johnson County Community College Ryan Willis, Coffeyville Community College Shelby Jansen, Wichita Area Technical College
Crosswalk between Two-year College Outcomes and Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics KBOR Two-Year College Outcome FM 1. Compute with integers, fractions, and decimals. KCCRS-M 7. NS Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Math 111- Fundamentals of Math
STUDENT QUALIFCATIONS 1.Must be a high school senior 2.Must score less than a 22 of the ACT Mathematics Section OR Must score between Elementary Algebra and College Algebra on the COMPASS or Accuplacer exam
REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS 1.Recruit students based on qualifications 2.Provide and pay a high school math certified teacher to deliver the course. The high school teacher will communicate with the community college faculty liaison. Ideally the high school instructor and college faculty liaison should meet at least monthly. 3.Support professional development relevant to the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics, college outcomes, the pilot, etc. 4.High school teacher will provide a contact log of communications between the faculty liaison and themselves to Melissa Fast at the end of each semester. 5.Participate in all pilot training requirements.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1.Approximately 120 hours 2.Address Kansas Core Outcomes for Fundamentals of Math, Elementary Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra 3.Use curriculum recommended by KSDE 4.Offer as high school math credit 5.Course completed in one or two semesters, not modularized 6.Face-to-face, but could be technology enhanced students per class recommended
DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS For each student in the pilot, collect and report: 1.Whether your school plans on offering the class as a one or two semester course 2.Grade received in Transition to College Algebra Class 3.Number of students who complete course who enroll in a postsecondary institution 4.Degree/Certificate student intends to pursue in postsecondary
REQUIREMENTS FOR COLLEGES 1.Set COMPASS or ACCUPLACER scores for qualifying students. 2.Administer COMPASS or ACCUPLACER, using published guidelines for calculator use. 3.Provide and pay faculty liaison. The faculty liaison will communicate with the high school teacher. Ideally the high school instructor and college faculty should meet at least monthly. 4.Support the faculty liaison’s required participation in one day of a three-day professional development retreat relevant to the course, the pilot, etc. 5.Accept post-test score for course placement.
DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR COLLEGES For each student in the pilot, collect and report: 1.Name of high school 2.Placement scores 3.Accuplacer (Pre and Post) or COMPASS/ASSET (Pre and Post) or COMPASS/ASSET (Pre) and Accuplacer (Post) 4.For students in pilot who subsequently attend your college, grades in College Algebra or other initial college math course
New Mathways Project by The Dana Center “The New Mathways Project embodies the Dana Center’s vision for a systemic approach to improving student success and completion through implementation of processes, strategies, and structures built around three mathematics pathways and a supporting student success course.”
New Mathways Project by The Dana Center Guiding Principles 1.Multiple pathways 2.Acceleration 3.Intentional use of strategies 4.Curriculum design and pedagogy based on proven practice.
New Mathways Project by The Dana Center
Faculty implemented the NMP courses with a high level of fidelity Saw positive differences in students’ math learning and engagement in the classes Teaching and learning in the NMP courses looked qualitatively different from traditional math courses.
New Mathways Project by The Dana Center The majority of students were positive about the NMP courses, particularly the revised content and acceleration that the courses provided.
New Mathways Project by The Dana Center 233 students enrolled in NMP Foundations courses 65% passed with a C or higher 46% enrolled in college-level course 30% passed college level course Among developmental students not enrolled in NMP 25.3% completed the developmental sequence 8.3% passed college level course
Begin college in credit earning courses. High School Kansas Transition to College Algebra
Growth Mindset and Brain Plasticity Lesson 2, Part B Lesson 7, Part A and B
Each person pick one quote card. Share with your table and discuss thoughts.
Read, note, and highlight
The powerful thinkers are those that make connections, think logically, and use space, data, and numbers creatively.
Unit One Look through unit one together and discuss: Similarities & Differences between KCCRS-M and KBOR Outcomes Individual lessons within the unit Ideas for ways the college liaison can provide support to the high school teacher Possible obstacles to the student’s success