Tuesday 16 February 2016 We are learning: Sentence parts—subject complements Prefixes—8 most common Deeper look at drama Respond to reading through journaling Targets: By Friday: 1.I will rock my sentence parts skills quiz. (Thursday) 2.I will complete the word study practice. On the test I will spell the words correctly and know their meanings. (Thursday) 3.Respond to reading in my spiral 4.Take study notes for test prep
Pre-reading activities Activating Schema Getting into character GET YOUR SPIRAL OUT AND START WITH THE DAY/DATE
Let’s read in our text Pages 705, 706, 711 (Staging) Notice the back of your overview sheet. Please summarize each Act and Scene as we go through the play. ENVISION: let’s practice getting into character with a dramatic exercise. As I describe a scenario, you will imagine yourself playing that part. How would the character feel or act? What might the character say or do to perform that part realistically?
Getting into dramatic character In your spiral, make a chart like this: SITUATIONDRAMATIZATION
Getting into dramatic character SITUATIONDRAMATIZATION: WHAT THE CHARACTER WOULD FEEL, DO, OR SAY Starting high school/first day
Getting into dramatic character SITUATIONDRAMATIZATION: WHAT THE CHARACTER WOULD FEEL, DO, OR SAY Starting high school/first day Not liked by science teacher
Getting into dramatic character SITUATIONDRAMATIZATION: WHAT THE CHARACTER WOULD FEEL, DO, OR SAY Starting high school/first day Not liked by science teacher Mistreated by science teacher
Getting into dramatic character SITUATIONDRAMATIZATION: WHAT THE CHARACTER WOULD FEEL, DO, OR SAY Starting high school/first day Not liked by science teacher Mistreated by science teacher Escalating problems
Let’s read in our text to develop some schema/background knowledge… Page 711 (Be Aware of Historical Context) What do you already know about this time period? Answer on your overview sheet. Pages 709 and 710
Use these links to find out more!
Background information General WWII events 1933-Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party seize power 1 September 1939-Germany invades Poland 3 September 1939-Britain and France declare war on Germany June 1941-Hitler invaded the Soviet Union 1941-United States entered WWII May 1945-Germany surrendered to Allies Events impacting the Frank family 12 June 1929-Anne Frank was born 1933-Franks left Germany and moved to Holland 1940-Germany invades Holland and takes over the Netherlands in May 1942-Frank family go into hiding NOW…PUT THESE IN ORDER ON YOUR PAPER! NEXT: Generate a list of questions about the time period or Anne Frank. Read page 708-Meet the Authors Complete your word study! Due tomorrow!
Day Three…Getting into character Review the scenario: We will all be living here for an indefinite amount of time. We will not be allowed to make noise or give away our location. No electronic communication with outside world. We will rely on people we trust to bring us food and other needed supplies, but these will be minimal. (just enough to survive)
Write a letter to me… Tell me how you are feeling about our plan. Discuss some of the pros and cons. Be sure to include some of each! Tell me what you might miss. Tell me what we can all do to make the best of this situation.
Thursday 19 February 2015 There were 8 people that went into hiding. Parents Edith and Otto Frank; daughters Margot and Anne Parents Mrs. and Mr. Van Daan (Van Pels); son Peter Family friend Dussel (Fritz Pfeffer) Helpers: Miep Geis, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, and Bep Voskuijl
Set up notes in your spiral like this: Question/Cue/Prompt Example: When does the play begin? Answer November 1945
Think about it: If you were forced to leave your home and pack your possessions in only one medium-sized duffle bag-- What things would you take along? Why would you take each item? REMEMBER, these must be things that would fit inside a duffle. RESTRICTIONS: No pets, nothing that would create a sound or give away your hiding place, no technology that would communicate with the outside world. Basic food and clothing items will be there. Anything special or extra must be brought along. Complete the chart on the next slide…
Make three columns on your paper. Sort what you would take by listing them in each category… PracticalSentimentalRecreational