Lessons and Challenges in AP Curriculum Development for Non-Heritage Students Jingwoan Chang 張靜婉 Lindblom Math and Science Academy Chicago Public Schools
Lindblom Math and Science Academy Enrollment: 918 In Chinese: 502 Low income: 75.6% Demographics: African-American 71% Hispanic 25% White 2% Asian 1% Multiracial 1%
AP Chinese Scores AP Chinese scores Total students11
AP Chinese Scores AP Chinese scores Total students113
AP Chinese Scores AP Chinese scores Total students1137
Challenges Gap between resources and students’ proficiency Compartmentalized thinking (lack of vertical alignment) Textbook-driven, no curriculum Belief that it was not possible
Lessons It is possible Focus on daily life and culture Balance coverage with rigor Vertically-aligned curriculum No single textbook is the answer AP starts in Chinese 1 (including culture and grammar). Language functions by proficiency Measure proficiency as you go.
Culture in Chinese Based on proficiency levels: Match and identify Use in simple sentences More sophisticated discourse…
STAMP Test Data The STAMP test is a standards-based proficiency test available through Avant Assessment. Scores are for Reading, Writing, and Speaking sections. Chinese 1 Chinese 2 Chinese 3 Chinese 4 APPassed AP (2011) RWSRWS
Draft curriculum Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4/APAP* Chinese language Times/dates School life Likes/dislikes Food and nationality Family Introducing myself Self intro & summer activities School life 2 Invitations/ appointments Shopping for food Clothes and appearance Weather/ seasons Extended family and celebrations Home and neighborhood Health/illness Jobs and career Learning Chinese Travel in China Cooking College and campus life Technology in daily life Daily life in Chinese cities Education in China China’s place in the world Global issues Previous topics at a higher level of sophistication Cultural topics must be built into relevant units wherever possible. *We have a small number of students starting Chinese 1 in 7 th grade.
Feedback and collaboration Course website and blog: jchanglmsa.weebly.com Teaching Chinese blog Student videos: chineserox.weebly.com