Works Cited Page
Overview: Your Works Cited page is where you will list all the sources you used in your paper. Do NOT ask to use Easybib. It has NOT worked in the past. If you don’t want to keep redoing your Works Cited page, then follow these directions! Warning: if you don’t follow all these instructions IN ORDER, your WC page will be wrong, and I will not take your paper with a messed-up WC page.
Materials: Open a brand new Word document. Get out all your articles.
To begin, read the following: Put your articles in alphabetical order according to the first word in the gray box. (Might be title, might be author’s last name). Make sure EVERY line is filled in with correct information. Don’t know what goes there? ASK? If you have TWO authors, make sure the names are set up as follows: Last name, first name and first name last name. Ex: Benton, Caroline and Amy McComb. For websites only: The title of the whole website is NOT a big long web address. It will stop at,.gov,.edu, etc. Questions? ASK! ALL dates should be set up this way: 20 Oct (I will not accept it any other way)
Pull up your new Word doc. Save it in your home folder as “Works Cited Page.” Click on the little arrow next to Paragraph Under spacing: set the before and after at 0 and line spacing at Double Under Indentation, click on Special, choose Hanging Click ok
In your Word doc… Center. At the top of the page, type: Works Cited Do not boldface it, underline it, or make it bigger. Spell it like the example above Hit enter ONCE. Un-center (left align).
Entries: Get out your alphabetized articles. DO NOT NUMBER YOUR ENTRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Type the information from EACH gray box onto your Works Cited page EXACTLY the way it instructs you to on your handout. FOLLOW THE PUNCTUATION EXACTLY. After each period, don’t forget to hit the space bar 2x. Spacing matters! Just keep typing, and it will automatically go to the next line if it needs to. Don’t hit enter until you are done with the information in the gray box. When you finish your first article entry, hit enter ONCE. Begin typing your next gray box. Type out all of your articles in this way.
Look at the example on the assign drive: Does your page look just like the example? Check: Is it evenly double spaced, with no extra spaces? Is it all alphabetized together? Is there a hanging indent? Does it say Works Cited at the top? Did you spell it right, and capitalize it right? Does it include ALL of your sources from your paper?
If you are certain it is perfect, print it out and have your teacher check it off. You will turn this perfect page in with your final paper on Wednesday, November 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!