This is my sixth year at Coyote Trail and 15 th year of teaching. I have taught 2 nd through 6 th grade and ELL students. Personal information… ◦ About my family. ◦ What do I like to do in my free time?
Marana Unified School District follows the Common Core Standards. ◦ ◦ Adopted materials to support the standards. ◦ Use supplemental material to enhance the curriculum. Weekly Readers, health newspapers, and technology are examples of supplemental materials.
FAME Scale ES = 90% to 100% Excelling at the standards. MS = 80% to 89% Meeting the standards. AS = 70% to 79% Approaching the standards. FS = 60% to 69% Falls below the standards. FFS = 59% and below Falls far below the standards. + All correct √ Majority correct - Majority incorrect CW = Some classwork may be counted towards a grade.
Daily Math and Reading homework sheets Weekly reading assignment for homework Homework every day, with the exception of Friday (with the exception of projects). Unfinished classwork… Classwork and homework when absent…
English/Language Arts… ◦ Reading ◦ Writing ◦ Language ◦ Speaking and Listening Math… Science… Social Studies… Health… Art… Technology…
Reteach/Teach/Enrichment (RTI) Small group tutoring during recess Child Advocacy Team Staff Classroom Volunteers Tutors-if there is funding UCATS Student Teachers-if applicable
◦ We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are Responsible, and We have Fun! ◦ Kelso Choices ◦ Rewards Praise and Recognition End of the quarter celebrations. Compliment tickets. Weekly drawings. End of the year drawing for prizes. ◦ Consequences – Coyote Trail Discipline Matrix Discipline ticket. Possible loss of recess. My Plan. After three discipline tickets.
We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are Responsible, and We have Fun!
What can you do? ◦ IXL Math ◦ Help your child study for spelling tests. ◦ Have your child read aloud to you and ask question about what was read. ◦ Check your child’s homework and help if needed. ◦ If you have a concern, let the teacher know. ◦ Encourage your child to do their best. ◦ School attendance is important. ◦ Take your child to the library. ◦ Check my teacher website for information.
Volunteers start in September. Come as long as you want, or a short as you want. Volunteers will help students with reading, math, and/or assist with lessons. Volunteer days are Monday and Thursday.
Tax Credit Money Supplies ◦ Copy paper ◦ Tissue ◦ Etc. Conference sign up sheet for September. I am available after school anytime if you would like to stop by and talk about your child. or call and leave a message to contact me.