S5 Data Quality John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech Hanover, October 25, 2007
Data Overview Running time: GPS – ( s, 695d) Single IFO science mode: »H1: s, 540d, 77.8% »H2: s, 544d, 78.2% »L1: s, 457d, 65.7% Double coincidence science mode »H1 · H2: s, 496d, 71.3% »H1 · L1: s, 396d, 57.0% »H2 · L1: s, 390d, 56.0% Triple coincidence science mode »H1 · H2 · L1: s, 367d, 52.8%
Range Distribution
Range by Calendar Week
Data Quality Segments Not all data created equal - So... DQ segments »Generated online / off-line »More will be defined as detector characterization work continues »No implied recommendation –Chosen segment appropriate for an analysis! –Check safety »More information available from:
Segment Database Segment DBs at CIT, LHO, LLO »local insertion »Automatic synchronization between databses Segment information »start-time, end-time »Active (asserted/not asserted) »provenance »version (v99 is combination of all active versions) Insertion, interrogation tools: »LSCdataFind »Segwizard
Category 1: No Data / Bad Data As close to a no-brainer as it comes: »IFO not in lock (or in triggered mode) »No raw data »Data not read out correctly Most eliminated from Run Statistics on Slide 1
Instrumental Glitches Digital-loop overflows »SEVERE_LSC_OVERFLOW »ASI_CORR_OVERFLOW Other direct glitches »TCS Glitch »Calibration line glitches »OSEM. optical lever glitches (damping servo)
Photo-diode Consistency 4 AS photo-diodes: redundant measure of AS port signal Demodulated and recorded at 256Hz Inconsistency can indicate »Dust in light path »Single PD readout error
PD Consistency Test Chi²: »Calculated at each sample. »χ²=Σ(α i PD i – ¼ΣPD j )² »Averaged over 4s stride »χ² max is largest in 1 minute
Environmental Effects H1 periodic (~6Hz) glitches Assumed mechanism: »Several seismic-stack resonances near 6Hz »Pendulum “damping” worsens sideways motion Tagging techniques »ETM[XY] side coil read-back »ETM[XY] side overflows »DARM_ERR 4-7 Hz Band »ETM[XY] side sensor 6Hz RMS
ETMX 6Hz RMS Flagging H1 DARM_ERR glitch significance plotted vs. log RMS in ETMY Hz Band RMS read from minute trends – 1 minute granularity Clear population of glitches at very high significance (~10 4 ) Significance doesn't increase with increasing RMS! Possibly overflow effect. ETMY_RMS_6HZ flag from this Should be reanalyzed with better granularity.