National Chiao Tung University Office Of International Affairs Mainland China Student Association 國立交通大學 大陸姐妹校介紹 吉林大學
中国吉林大学 Jilin University of China
HISTORY OF JLU 歷 史 沿 革 王道書苑 The times of Manchukou ( ) 國學院 The times of Republic of China( ) 哈爾濱大學 The times of Republic of China( ) 東北行政學院 The times of Chinese Communist Party ( ) 東北人民大學 The times of People’s Republic of China ( ) 吉林大學 The times of People’s Republic of China (1958-Now)
Jilin University (JLU) is a leading national university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of China. Located in Changchun, the capital city of Jilin Province in Northeastern China, which are home to forty- three colleges covering thirteen academic disciplines, including philosophy,economics, law, literature, education, history, science, engineering, agriculture,medicine, management, military science and arts. The University boasts 6 national key laboratories, and 8 national bases for the development of basic science. Other resources include 5 research bases for humanities and social sciences, 9 key laboratories sponsored by the Ministry of Education and 14 by other ministries of Chinese government. JLU OVERVIEW
JLU offers a variety of degree programs. It has now 124 undergraduate programs, 311 master's degree program, 240 doctoral degree programs, and 37 post-doctoral programs. The year of 2012 saw the enrollment of a total of 68,000-odd full time students among whom more than 25,000 are graduate students. At present there are 6,540 faculty members, with 20 members of Chinese Academy of Science and/or Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 1,638 full professors. This dedicated education community is a guarantee of excellence in teaching and research. For years, the University has been playing a major role in the educational, cultural and economic life of Northeast Region of China. In the beginning decade of the new century, the University is committed to achieving the status as one of the leading institutions for higher education well known in China and around the world.
JLU 新民校區 · 基礎醫學院
JLU 前衛校區 · 外語樓
JLU 朝陽校區 · 公園
JLU 朝陽校區 · 長亭
JLU 前衛校區 · 文苑九舍
JLU 運動會 · 跳高比賽
JLU 校運動會 · 短跑競賽
JLU 開幕式檢閱 · 鮮花方隊
JLU 歌舞晚會
JLU 新民校區 · 軍訓生活
JLU 話劇表演
JLU 生龍活虎
JLU 球場競技
JLU 國粹京劇
JLU ThanX for your watching