doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission SIG-A Fields and Bitwidths Slide 1 Date: Authors: Robert Stacey Intel 2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro OR 97124, USA Shahrnaz Azizi Po-Kai Huang Qinghua Li Xiaogang Chen Chitto Ghosh Laurent Cariou Yaron Alpert Assaf Gurevitz Ilan Sutskover March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom NameAffiliationAddressPhone Ron Porat Broadcom Sriram Mingyue Ji Matthew Fischer Leo Montreuil Andrew Blanksby Vinko Erceg
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 2 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Hongyuan Zhang Marvell 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, Yakun Sun Lei Wang Liwen Chu Jinjing Jiang Yan Zhang Rui Cao Sudhir Srinivasa Bo Yu Saga Tamhane Mao Yu Xiayu Zheng Christian Berger Niranjan Grandhe Hui-Ling Lou March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 3 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Alice Chen Qualcomm 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Albert Van Zelst Straatweg 66-S Breukelen, 3621 BR Netherlands Alfred Asterjadhi 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Arjun Bharadwaj 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Bin Tian 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Carlos Aldana 1700 Technology Drive San Jose, CA 95110, USA George Cherian 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Gwendolyn Barriac 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Hemanth Sampath 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Lin Yang 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Menzo Wentink Straatweg 66-S Breukelen, 3621 BR Netherlands Naveen Kakani 2100 Lakeside Boulevard Suite 475, Richardson TX 75082, USA Raja Banerjea 1060 Rincon Circle San Jose CA 95131, USA Richard Van Nee Straatweg 66-S Breukelen, 3621 BR Netherlands March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 4 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Rolf De Vegt Qualcomm 1700 Technology Drive San Jose, CA 95110, USA Sameer Vermani 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Simone Merlin 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Tao Tian 5775 Morehouse Dr. San Diego, CA, USA Tevfik Yucek 1700 Technology Drive San Jose, CA 95110, USA VK Jones 1700 Technology Drive San Jose, CA 95110, USA Youhan Kim 1700 Technology Drive San Jose, CA 95110, USA March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 5 Authors (continued) Joonsuk Kim Apple Aon Mujtaba Guoqing Li Eric Wong Chris NameAffiliationAddressPhone James Yee Mediatek No. 1 Dusing 1 st Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan Alan Jauh Chingwa Hu m Frank Hsu Thomas Pare Mediatek USA 2860 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95134, USA ChaoChun Wang om James Wang Jianhan Liu Tianyu Wu Zhou Lan Russell Huang m March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 6 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Peter Loc Huawei Le Liu F1-17, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen Jun Luo 5B-N8, No.2222 Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai Yi Luo F1-17, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen Yingpei Lin 5B-N8, No.2222 Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai Jiyong Pang 5B-N8, No.2222 Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai Zhigang Rong Telesis Court, Suite 365, San Diego, CA NA Rob Sun 303 Terry Fox, Suite 400 Kanata, Ottawa, Canada David X. Yang F1-17, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen Yunsong Yang Telesis Court, Suite 365, San Diego, CA NA Junghoon Suh 303 Terry Fox, Suite 400 Kanata, Ottawa, Canada Jiayin Zhang 5B-N8, No.2222 Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong, Shanghai Edward Au 303 Terry Fox, Suite 400 Kanata, Ottawa, Canada Teyan Chen F1-17, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen Yunbo Li F1-17, Huawei Base, Bantian, Shenzhen March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 7 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Jinmin Kim LG Electronics 19, Yangjae-daero 11gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul , Korea Kiseon Ryu Jinyoung Chun Jinsoo Choi Jeongki Kim Dongguk Lim Suhwook Kim Eunsung Park JayH Park HanGyu Cho Thomas DerhamOrange Bo Sun ZTE #9 Wuxingduan, Xifeng Rd., Xi'an, China Kaiying Lv Yonggang Fang Ke Yao Weimin Xing Brian Hart Cisco Systems 170 W Tasman Dr, San Jose, CA Pooya Monajemi March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 8 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Fei Tong Samsung Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS (U.K.) Hyunjeong Kang Maetan 3-dong; Yongtong-Gu Suwon; South Korea Kaushik Josiam 1301, E. Lookout Dr, Richardson TX (972) Mark Rison Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS (U.K.) Rakesh Taori 1301, E. Lookout Dr, Richardson TX (972) Sanghyun Chang Maetan 3-dong; Yongtong-Gu Suwon; South Korea Yasushi Takatori NTT 1-1 Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa Japan Yasuhiko Inoue Shoko Shinohara Yusuke Asai Koichi Ishihara Junichi Iwatani Akira Yamada NTT DOCOMO 3-6, Hikarinooka, Yokosuka- shi, Kanagawa, , Japan Fujio Watanabe 3240 Hillview Ave, Palo Alto, CA com Haralabos Papadopoulos March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Slide 9 Authors (continued) NameAffiliationAddressPhone Masahito Mori Sony Corp. Yusuke Yuichi Kazuyuki William March 2016 Ron Porat, Broadcom
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Introduction Revision 1 of this document summarized and organized SIG fields in tables for SU, MU and trigger based UL. In this revision, revision 2, we add several more fields, namely: –Doppler –STBC for MU –Spatial reuse fields for trigger based UL Slide 10Ron Porat, Broadcom March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission SIG-A Table for the SU Preamble Format Slide 11Ron Porat, Broadcom Field#Bits DL/UL1 Format Indication1 BSS Color6 Spatial ReuseTBD TXOP durationTBD Bandwidth2 MCS4 CP+LTF size3 Coding2 Nsts3 STBC1 TxBF1 DCM1 Packet Extension3 Beam change1 CRC4 Tail6 Brief explanation Format indication: distinguish between SU and trigger based UL [1] BSS Color: Base station identifier [2] Spatial reuse: Exact bits TBD e.g. indicaation of CCA Level, Interference Level accepted, TX Power TXOP Duration: [1] CP + LTF Size: [3] DCM: Dual carrier modulation indication [2] Packet extension: “a”-factor field of 2 bits and 1 disambiguation bit [2] Beam change: Indicate precoder change/no change between L-LTF and HE-LTF [4] March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission SIG-A Table for the MU Preamble Format Slide 12Ron Porat, Broadcom Field#Bits DL/UL1 BSS Color6 Spatial ReuseTBD TXOP durationTBD Bandwidth>=2 SIGB MCS3 SIGB DCM1 SIGB # of symbols4 SIGB Compression Mode >=1 # of HE-LTF3 CP+LTF size3 LDPC extra symbol1 Packet Extension3 CRC4 Tail6 Brief explanation Refer to previous slide for explanation on bits similar to the SU format SIGB Modulation: [5] #SIGB symbols: <= 16 (4 bits) support about 16 users using MCS0 per BCC Compression mode: Differentiates full bandwidth MU-MIMO from OFDMA MU PPDU [6]. More compression modes TBD #LTFs: Up to 8 LTFs possible → 3 bits LDPC extra symbol: [2] BW field may accommodate more than in SU case to take advantage of OFDMA March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission SIG-A Table for the Trigger based UL Preamble Format Slide 13Ron Porat, Broadcom Field#Bits Format1 BSS Color6 TXOPTBD Spatial reuseTBD BandwidthTBD CRC4 Tail6 Brief explanation Format indication: distinguish between SU and UL MU PPDUs [1] BSS Color: Base station identifier [2] Spatial reuse: Exact bits TBD but examples given in Appendix → CCA Level, Interference Level, TX Power TXOP Duration: [1] March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Doppler Bit Similar to 11ah, 11ax is also targeting outdoor. We propose to add one bit to indicate a PPDU with enhanced immunity to Doppler. The exact design is TBD but could use e.g. the travelling pilots concept as defined in 11ah with appropriate modifications for 11ax. For SU the natural signaling place is SIGA whereas for MU signaling could take place in SIGA or SIGB Also, in order to support the same feature in trigger based UL MU we propose to add a Doppler bit to the trigger frame Slide 14Ron Porat, Broadcom March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission STBC Bit STBC bit currently included in the SIGA for SU but not in SIGA or SIGB for MU. As previously motioned before, in a MU PPDU all RUs are either STBC or not STBC, hence it makes sense to add this bit in SIGA of the MU PPDU as well Slide 15Ron Porat, Broadcom March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Spatial Reuse in Trigger Based UL Spatial Reuse field has been included in SIGA for all preamble formats. Exact bits TBD e.g. indication of CCA Level, Interference Level accepted. Recall that in trigger based UL all information in SIGA is copied from the trigger frame, is identical for all STA, and is fully controlled by the AP who is also the recipient of the UL MU packet. Hence, it makes sense to allow the AP increased flexibility, namely allow it to provide different SR values for different subbands. The underlying logic is that one subband may carry highly efficient PPDU, e.g. 4 spatial streams in UL MU-MIMO, in which case the AP may want to limit the OBSS SR opportunity, whereas another subband may carry less efficient PPDU, e.g. UL OFDMA with MCS0, in which case by enabling increased OBSS SR opportunity the AP enables better spatial reuse and overall increases area throughput The number and size of the subbands is TBD, e.g. 20MHz subbands Note that currently over 30bits are available for use in SIGA of an UL Trig based PPDU Slide 16Ron Porat, Broadcom March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Strawpoll 1 Slide 17Ron Porat, Broadcom Do you agree to add a Doppler bit in SIGA for HE SU and HE SU extended range, in TBD location for HE MU and in the trigger frame Yes No Abs March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Strawpoll 2 Slide 18Ron Porat, Broadcom Do you agree to add to the spec framework : 1bit is added for STBC indication in SIGA of the MU PPDU? This bit indicates STBC for all users in the payload and doesn’t apply to SIGB STBC is not applied in MU-MIMO RUs Yes No Abs March 2016
doc.: IEEE /1354r2 Submission Strawpoll 3 Slide 19Ron Porat, Broadcom Do you agree to add to the TG Specification Frame work document: in trigger based UL PPDUs, multiple SR fields (>=2) are signaled, where each SR field corresponds to a different subband of the PPDU Yes No Abs March 2016