Katie Dinnage Varndean College
WHAT IS A THRILLER My definition: The thriller genre is where it quite simply: thrills. The auidence are constantly in suspense and experience all kinds of emotions (excitement, fear, confusion and anxiety) all heightened by the atmospheric music and clever shots. Found definition: “A novel, play, or movie with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage. A person, thing, or experience that thrills.” A thriller is a combination of sub-genres that follow specific rules to create a specific effect on the audience. Thrillers are complex, and only follow a few generic rules, but the maker has the freedom to make it his own
Typical plot elements The plot is villain-driven where the hero (usually the victim) must thwart the plans of an enemy. This character is usually more powerful and much better equipped, and the hero will need to realise something in order to defeat them. The enemy is usually much grander and the consequences of their plans have a much larger impact – sometimes on a global scale, like in disaster thrillers. The main character is usually involved with something disastrous and violent (like a death) which changes their lives and helps equip them with skills and knowledge to defeat the enemy. Mystery, violence and jeopardy are the elements that make up a thriller.
themes of questions, ceremonies, objects and symbols. Some revolve around a church, and some include supernatural experiences. Exorcisms, demon possession and church cover-ups are common. The conflict between the characters is emotional, mental and physical (combination of psychological and action thrillers). Fear plays a big part of the film, with suspense and shocking scenes. The protagonists is up against a much more superior force, and the possibility that they could become the victim themselves is always present. a popular genre throughout the 1940s and 1050s. Its distinct black and white, deep contrast style with stark lighting effects. Relies on narrative voice and flashbacks to explain the complex plot. Film Noir Religious Horror Hybrid/Sub-genres
scenes of violence, fighting and lots of use of weapons and explosions. They are usually inclined toward thrid person narration. the characters are fighting through a mental and emotion state, rather thant physical. Becasue of their nature, mny psychological thrillers cross over inot the Horror genre. more based on the criminals that police force, where the crime is murder or theft (bank robberies). This type of thriller, has a bit of a cross-over with a psychological thriller, which emphasises how much smater a criminal is comparedto the police CrimeActionPsychological Other sub-genres of thriller is Spy, medical, distaster, romance ‘gonebad’, mystery,
CHARACTERS A typical Thriller hero would usually be resourceful, average and a responsible person who are portrayed sympathetically so the audience will care about them and their fate. Often the hero man (macho) who is familiar to danger. Recently, an increase of thrillers where the hero is an ordinary person where such extra-ordinary things happen to them. This allows the audience to relate to the character as it is more realistic. In some thrillers, there are many antagonists. This leads the audience to try to work out who poses the most threat to the antagonist. This could be called a literacy device: red-herring. Common characters: Criminals Stalkers Assassins Spree killers Agents Terroists Convicts Private Eyes Psycho-fiends Victims Twisted couple World-weary men Socipaths People with disorders Harrased women
AUDIENCE I think people love thrillers because they are constantly engaged throughout the film and are rarely bored (which does happen in other types of films). People like the adrenaline kick they get out of being scared and shocked and they like to be kept guessing, and can therefore hunt for clues as to the outcome of the film. Thrillers like Silence of the Lambs and No country for Old Men are considered the best, with the rating R. This would target an augience of young male adults. Boaderline horror film, like The Sixth Sense and The Village would hve fans young females, as this is the dempgraphic of horrors. Legal thrillers and crime thrillers target a more matire audience and classsic films (any Alfred Hitchcock’s, like Rebecca) that are rated PG, are intended for adults because of their complex themes with less gore and violence liek in horror films. However, thriller’s have a broad audience. I would say that from 15+ the love of thrillers would emerge. Those who want to ‘get a kick’ without the graphic scenes or being frigtened but still want to get suprised and scared and solve the enigma like in a mystery would be in the target range.
SOUND Sound track- containing allthe sound sources Ambient sound – the ntaural sound providing a sense of realsim to the scene (like leaves rustling, bird song) Voiceover – where avoice is used over images, such as an introduction or the characters thoughts. SFX – sound effects added in to give authenicity or create a desire mood (sound of a car crashing into wall or a bottle hitting the ground) Diagetic sound – the source of a sound that is in the frame, even if it’s not visible (dog barking, doors slamming) Non diagetic sound – sound added in post production (soundtrack) Pleonastic sound – sound that imitates or reinforces the action on screen Contrapuntal sound – sound that is in opposition to what we see on screen; contradicting the action to create disharmony. Volume – describes the level of sound Pitch - describes the range of sound (high pitched screaming: low pitched groaning)