Contacting Mrs. Council The best way to contact me is via ____________________. I check my several times a day and usually am able to reply within a couple of hours. Students are encouraged to use my address often; an early saves the student from consequences. I do not except excuses given when an assignment is due or in the class in which something is needed; the detailing the problem must be sent ___________________________________ in order to save the student from trouble. the night before class Guess who! Channing Tatum
Class Rules Every student in my classroom is considered to be on their way to becoming an adult. That said, there are certain behaviors that are appropriate for adults, and certain behaviors that are appropriate for children. Students are expected to act as follows: 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________ Always show respect to people and property Arrive on time and prepared Use electronics outside of the room Use proper language that is free of profanity, racial slurs, and prejudice Talk at appropriate times and with permission Emma Stone
Class Consequences If you choose to be a behavior problem, then you choose to face the consequences. The following are consequences that result from breaking the rules: 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________ * Severe behavior will result in immediate jump to _____. Warning Conference after class Behavior Reflection and/or detention Security escort to office and referral #4 Eva Mendez
Grading All assignments will be assigned a point value. Assignments requiring more time to do will have a greater point value than those requiring little time to complete. Grades will be based upon the following distribution: 45%_____________________________________ 10%_____________________________________ I post student grades online through the____________________________. Grading Scale: 90%-100% A 80%-89% B 70%-79% C 60%-69% D 0%-59% F Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Essays, Research Paper Homework and Classwork Independent Reading/Prepared for Class/Class Participation Q Student Information System James Franco
Independent Reading Requirements Each student will be required to read ____________________of non-class assigned reading each semester. Each student will be required to keep a ____________________that will be turned in each quarter. Each novel will need to be approved by Mrs. Council. Students will be given 10 minutes of reading time at the beginning of each class and are expected to actually read during silent reading time. There is to be no ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, ____________________, etc. during silent reading. 500 pages reading log sleepingtalking note writingtexting Madonna
Late/Absent Work Work is considered late if it is not turned in to the homework tray before/at the bell and is not due to an excused absence. I do accept late work, but the work suffers from a penalty. Each day the work is late, _____ is deducted from the possible grade for the work. After five days, the assignment plateaus at _____. If the student is not prepared to present a _____________ on the day it is due, the student forever _______ the opportunity to receive a grade for that project. Absent work must be _________________________ and will receive full credit. Students are responsible for getting absent work from the _____________________________ within one week of the absence. 10% 50% major project made up loses Make-up Work Wall Mila Kunis
Tardy Policy A student is considered tardy if he or she is not _________________ with ________________________________ when the bell rings. If a student is tardy, he or she will lose _______________________ for the day, which could result in the loss of an entire ____________________. If tardiness becomes a problem, the following consequences may occur: 1 st Tardy: ____________________ 2 nd Tardy: 1 hour ____________________ 3 rd Tardy: 1 hour detention and ____________________ 4 th Tardy: 1 hour detention and parent contact 5 th Tardy: ___________to assistant principal—3 hours detention and/or Sat. School 6 th Tardy: referral to assistant principal—ACP or suspension, Educational Contract or SART contract in his/her seat everything needed for class that day warning detention parent contact referral participation points letter grade Robert Downey, Jr.
Being Prepared for Class Students are expected to come to class ____________________each day. In fact, this is such a big part of a student’s success in school that being prepared for class is _____ of the overall grade. If a student habitually comes to class unprepared, they may be ____________________from class in order to prevent distraction of students who come to class ready to learn. Generally, students are expected to bring the following to class: Each day: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ *If something other than what is mentioned above is required for class, the student will be notified a minimum of one class day ahead of time. The student is responsible for remembering extra required items. prepared removed 10% Paper Pen or Pencil Any due assignments Textbook/Novel/Article in current unit of study Zach Efron
Cell Phone/iPod Policy As per district policy, students are allowed to have cell phones on campus. They are, however, not allowed to use them in class unless granted explicit permission. If a student finds in necessary to use a cell phone without permission while in class, the following will result: Every Time: _________________________ which could result in the loss of an entire letter grade 1 st offense: ____________________-phone/iPod is confiscated and sent to office for student to reclaim at end of day 2 nd offense: ____________________-phone/iPod is confiscated and returned to the parent. Phone may no longer be brought to campus. 3 rd offense: ____________________-phone/iPod is confiscated and returned to parent. 4 th offense: ____________________-Phone/iPod is confiscated and returned to parent. Warning Detention Saturday School Suspension Loss of participation points Mrs. Council
I encourage you to respect yourself and your education by exerting your best effort in all you attempt. I look forward to getting to know you in our time together! One final note: I have an extreme _________ to sprayed scents (such as perfumes, colognes, and spray deodorants). Unless you want the awkward memory of having to give your teacher mouth-to-mouth while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, please do not ____________________________ in the classroom! -Mrs. Micah Council allergy spray any scents