Evaluation and Research team March Workshop March 5, 2016 NSF Division of Undergraduate Education
Interviews Observations (RTOP) Surveys – Project – RTOP – CWSEI (Carl Wieman) Teaching Practices Inventory Characterizing Teaching
– Teaching philosophy – What is working well – How you assess students’ learning – How you broaden participation and increase student success – How typical is this class session? Interviews
Reformed Teacher Observation Protocol Provides a direct measure of teaching in the classroom Based on the AAAS report on the state of science teaching (AAAS, 1989) Examines continuum of teacher- centered lecture-driven class to student-centered, activity-based learning environment Uses five subscales orkshops/certop/interpret.html
CWSEI (Carl Wieman) Teaching Practices Inventory Developed as part of the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) (University of British Columbia) Characterizes teaching practices used in undergraduate science and mathematics courses. Used by hundreds of faculty over six year period We added questions for online instruction