Science Safety
Safety is the Responsibility of EVERYONE!
MY Responsibilities: To provide safe learning activities (we’re NOT blowing anything up!) To provide appropriate safety equipment To provide verbal and written safety instructions whenever needed To provide safety instruction
YOUR Responsibilities To follow instructions everyday, all day, without exception To read and double check all written safety instructions To ask questions when confused
General Safety Information All science classes have potential hazards The more advanced the class, the greater the possibility for safety issues
Goggle Use Wear goggles when using: Chemicals Chemicals Sharp objects Sharp objects Water Water NON- NEGOTIABLE It’s a LAW!
Electrical Watch for water Be aware of cords Be aware of the outlets If you see sparks or smell something burning, notify me immediately
Safety Contract Each student and a parent or guardian will sign a safety contract. Students without a signed contract on file will not be allowed to participate in labs.
Top 5 Safety Rules 1. No Food or Drink… EVER 2. Report all accidents and injuries 3. Follow all directions and procedures… No Exceptions 4. If you are unsure, ask questions 5. No horseplay… EVER
BIOHAZARD- usually used with blood, needles, body wastes POISONOUS- can really harm you, even kill you. Common Symbols You Should Know
FLAMMABLE- can cause fires. FIRST AID