44th ICFA Workshop under the sponsorship of the ICFA BD Panel, Cockcroft Inst., 1-4 Dec 2008 Closing Remarks to XB08 Workshop Roger M. Jones Cockcroft Institute and The University of Manchester X-Band Structures and Beam Dynamics Workshop 1 st – 4 th December 2008 The Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury
44th ICFA Workshop under the sponsorship of the ICFA BD Panel Thanks to each one of you who participated in XB08! Lets anticipate future collaborations and an XB09?
44th ICFA Workshop under the sponsorship of the ICFA BD Panel, Cockcroft Inst., 1-4 Dec 2008 Summary of Working Group 1 Linear Colliders and Light Sources C. Christou, M. Dehler
44th ICFA Workshop under the sponsorship of the ICFA BD Panel
ICFA umbrella includes JACoW decision - Open Access publishing. All papers should be submitted this week. Also, in addition there is the opportunity to submit to the special workshop issue of PRST-AB: XB08. Thanks to Sponsors: CST, CPI, Q-par Angus ltd, ITech, CI. Thank to Local Organising Committee and to Scientific Programme Committee Any talks that are not uploaded please ensure you leave a copy with Sue Waller Final Matters Update: The paper submission deadline is extended to 15 Dec 2008! Details on workshop website
44th ICFA Workshop under the sponsorship of the ICFA BD Panel