Oconee Keys Training September, 2012
Oconee Keys is designed to: Evaluate classroom teachers using qualitative rubrics to assess instructional practices. Evaluate classroom teachers on the basis of the academic gains of their students. (PGP) Engage teachers in self-assessment and professional growth. Increase the quantity and quality of feedback that teachers receive from their evaluator. Use a variety of evidence to assess teacher performance and student learning.
The Five Strands of Oconee Keys Strand 1: Curriculum and PlanningStrand 2: Standards-Based InstructionStrand 3: Assessment of Student LearningStrand 4: ProfessionalismStrand 5: Student Achievement
CURRICULUM AND PLANNING- A system for planning, managing and facilitating student achievement and learning based upon consensus-driven content and performance standards. Curriculum and Planning Teacher Standard 1: The teacher makes decisions about planning that demonstrate a deep understanding of grade level content knowledge, pedagogy, and GPS OR CCGPS/CCGPS OR CCGPS, or State-approved curriculum implementation by appropriately planning for what students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do. CP 1.1 The teacher plans instruction that demonstrates strong knowledge of both content and effective instructional delivery. Not Evident Emerging Proficient Conti nuu m of Improv eme n t The teacher does not plan instruction that demonstrates adequate knowledge of the assigned content area(s), or the teacher is unable to teach content using effective instructional methodology. The teacher plans instruction based on knowledge of the assigned content area; however, the teacher lacks depth in content knowledge or cannot organize or present content effectively so that students can learn. The teacher plans instruction that consistently demonstrates knowledge of major concepts in the assigned content area. The teacher also organizes and presents content effectively so that students learn. STRAND ELEMENT STANDARD CONTINUUM OF IMPROVEMENT RUBRIC
Components within Rubric 5 Strands 6 Standards – CP has 1 standard – SBI has 2 standards – AL has 2 standards – P has 1 standard 18 Elements
Oconee Keys Phases Evidence may Be shared during Formal observation conference OTDR Evaluation
1. Pre-Evaluation Phase Self Assessment/ Reflection – Teachers self assess and reflect on their performance of the elements Professional Growth Plan – Teachers design a PGP to improve their performance on the elements. Teachers will evaluate their self assessment to decide on their need for professional growth. Student Achievement will become a part of the PGP for the 2012 – 2013 school year. Pre-Evaluation Conference – Teachers and evaluators meet to review the PGP, discuss and set student achievement goals, & clarify the expectations of the elements and duties and responsibilities.
2. Evidence Collection Phase Informal Observations: Evaluators conduct one/two unannounced classroom observations to assess a few elements. Observations may be a minimum of 10 minutes. Teachers with 1 – 3 years experience or new to the county will have 2 informal observations. Teachers with at least 4 years of experience in OCS will have a minimum of 1 informal observation. Formal Observation: Evaluators conduct a 30 to 50 minute announced classroom observation to assess as many elements as possible. A pre and post conference will assist with the formal observation. Other Evidence Collection: Evaluators collect evidence from sources such as conferences, meetings, planning (content meetings), professional learning sessions, & examination of work products.
3. Annual Evaluation Phase Element / Strand Evaluation: Evaluators review the evidence collected and score the teacher’s performance on the rubrics. When the element scores are aggregated, all strands must be scored at least at the emerging level. If you see an area without evidence (bucket not filled), please submit evidence to your evaluator before the end of February. Any element without evidence will be marked “not evident” and no point value will be awarded. OTDR Evaluation: The reviewed performance on all duties and responsibilities must be satisfactory to receive an overall SATISFACTORY scoring. Overall Evaluation: Both sections, the STRANDS and OTDR, must receive SATISFACTORY scoring for a teacher to receive a satisfactory annual evaluation.
Informal and Formal Observations: Similarities and Differences Informal Formal Factored into the Annual Evaluation 30 to 50 Min. in Length Announced Focus on more ELEMENTS Pre and Post Conference with Administrator to discuss and see evidence Focus on a few elements Unannounced Minimum of 10 minutes in length
Annual Evaluation Announced, longer observations OTDR Performance Unannounced, short observations Other artifacts and evidence presented at pre- and post formal evaluation conference At pre- and post- conference, review PGP and Student Achievement