Today: August 12 TOPIC: Habits of Mind LEVEL: Analyzing / Explaining Reminders: MCC Registration and Placement test Mingle Mingle: Share one paragraph Writing Sample: Habits of Mind ASSESSMENT / ASSIGNMENT Take the Eng 101 placement test at MCC. Register for Eng 101. See packet. In-out of class: Habits of Mind Essay (finish as homework)
On Your Desk C-notes (new or old) Syllabus (blue handout) Habits of Mind essay
Survival Skills 1.Think. 2.Say what you are thinking. 3.Say it at the appropriate time. Wait for another to finish speaking; raise your hand; keep comments on topic. 4.Say it sincerely, politely. 5.Stay seated. 6.Keep all food, drink, cell phones, gadgets, makeup, mirrors, and hairbrushes put away. (Exceptions: water in a transparent container and lip balm.) 7.Care. Be kind. Be nice. 8.Avoid the appearance of evilll. ;-)
Restroom Rule Emergencies Only (This means you must be female.) If you think you can’t hold it: Go to the restroom anyway... and then go to SWEEP.
Mingle Mingle
1.When the music starts, start walking. Purple rows go north and south; gold rows go east and west. 2.Shake hands, say hello, introduce yourself. 3.(The back of the room is hot lava.) 4.When the music stops, you stop. Face the person closest to you. 5.Introduce yourselves. Then, read one paragraph of your essay to your partner.
Essay Prompt Write an essay in which you defend or argue against one or more of the necessary habits of mind articulated in your syllabus.