Thesis Statements & Essay Construction Ms. Jennifer Blank Social Studies Department
Thesis & Essay Composition: You must have an argument supported by evidence You must be clear and concise Be sure to include HOW and WHY (you must include all three parts)
Thesis & Essay Composition: Simple thesis – IPODS changed the way music sharing functioned. How thesis – IPODS changed the way music sharing functioned by making all types of music more accessible and cheaper. Why thesis – IPODS changed the way music sharing functioned in order to stop losing money from programs like Napster. Simple, How, and Why thesis – IPODS changed the way music sharing functioned by making all types of music more accessible and cheaper in order to stop losing money from programs like Napster.
Thesis & Essay Composition: Every paper should include the following: – Introduction (general) – Body paragraphs each with a different idea that supports the thesis (specific) Need specific evidence to support ideas (from the text) These ideas need to relate to your thesis – Conclusion (general) general, but different from your introduction You must summarize (in different words) what you discussed in your paper Re-state the thesis Be sure to review the key points that you mentioned in your essay
Thesis & Essay Composition: Remember to include topic sentences – This is the first sentence in every paragraph and generally states what the paragraph will discuss. Be sure that every sentence in your paper has a purpose and relates to your overall argument – Why did you include it? What does it illustrate? How does it relate to answering the question and proving your thesis?
Essay Guidelines: Never use 1 st or 2 nd person – 1 st = we, me, I, our, ours – 2 nd = you, yours Always introduce and explain quotations Be sure to properly cite sources Follow ALL citation guidelines
Essay Guidelines: Do not use contractions – Instead of “don’t” use “do not” Do not use slang or colloquialisms Be sure to address all aspects of the assignment Always meet the word count PROOFREAD!