Future Forms Will – Going to
Will-future When do you use it?
You use it if there areYou use it if there are Promises Hopes guesses predictions(for events which are farther away in the future than the ’going to future’) fast decisions
Examples for will-futureExamples for will-future I will always help you, if you need some help. promise I think, I will have a bad mark in the test. guess Oh, I‘ll take the steak. fast decision I hope it won‘t rain on my birthday. hope She will have a baby in November. prediciton
Going to futureGoing to future When do you use it?
You use it if there areYou use it if there are intentions plans (you decide to do something) approaching events-there are signs for it (it’s soon going to happen)
Examples for the going to- future Look at the dark clouds, it‘s soon going to rain. approaching events (there are signs for it) Tomorrow we‘re going to make dinner party. plan
Exercise He probably(come back) tomorrow. He will probably come back tomorrow. I guess she (not pass) the exam. I guess she won‘t pass the exam. I (study) harder next year. I‘m going to study harder next year.
Gerund - Infinitive
Gerund After prepositions and phrasal verb She‘s given up smoking. I‘m very good at remembering names. Use it like the subject of a sentence Swimming is a great hobby in summer. Use it after some verbs: enjoy, hate, finish, like, love, mind, practice, spend, stop, suggest, give up, go on, etc.