DESCRIPTION OF SLIDES Here is an example of slide deck to help keep you on track when building your presentation. This PowerPoint will also act as a checklist so that you have all the information that the judges are looking for! Below are a few things to keep in mind as you are making your slides and building your presentation.
RULE 1: NO MORE THAN 10 SLIDES You should no more than10 slides, for example, I have 9 slides here and I was able to cover a lot of stuff! The reason we are suggesting 9 slides (10 max) is because you want to be able to get through your whole presentation in the time given.
RULE 2: USE PICTURES AND TALK ABOUT YOUR SLIDES DON’T READ OFF THEM The 9 slides that I have laid out here also show all of the important information that your going to want to present to judges. By having all the criteria in the nine slides it will force you to speak about your business more and not read off the slides. Make sure to add lots of pictures.
RULE 3: KEEP THE TEXT TO A MINIMUM Your slides need to have BIG fonts and minimal text (size 30 font is recommended), and need only have the important stuff. If there is too much text on each slide than you will be tempted to read off the slides and so will your audience. Since people can read faster than you can explain things, your presentation will become out of sync with your audience as they will read ahead. (see next slide for an example)
WHAT OUR SERVICE DOES Mobile recoding studio that comes to where you are. We provide all of the equipment that you need. We work with clients to edit songs. Eliminates the need to buy expensive equipment (Example of Good Slide)
SLIDE 1: TITLE/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Introduce your product (or service) and what consumer need it serves. Give a brief overview of what it is and how it works (elevator pitch).
SLIDE 2: BENEFIT (PROBLEM/OPPORTUNITY) Talk about the benefit that your product brings and gives to consumers. Share how your Product or service solves a problem
SLIDE 3: WHAT MAKES YOUR PRODUCT SPECIAL/UNIQUE Talk about what makes your product or service unique and what makes you stand out. A SWOT analysis is a great diagram for this slide.
SLIDE 4: TARGET MARKET Discuss who your target market is and define who you are going to sell too. Break down your target market by figuring out your primary market, secondary market demographic, age, geographic location, interests, needs, wants etc.…
SLIDE 5: MARKETING PLAN (HOW WILL YOU REACH YOUR CUSTOMERS) Placement Explain where and how you are going to sell your product and service Promotion Explain how and where are you’re going to promote your business Example: Flyers, ecommerce, newspapers, Facebook ads, retail stores, farmer’s markets, trade shows, door to door, etc.
SLIDE 6: HOW TO MEASURE YOUR SALES PLAN SUCCESS Talk about how you plan to measure the effectiveness of all your marketing efforts, (tracking website views, tracking phone calls from door to door flyers, media impressions, number of walkthrough customers, etc.…) Get feedback from customers
SLIDE 7: COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS List your competitors Showcase and talk about market research you have done for the existing market you are selling in Every business no matter how unique or innovative has competition somewhere so BE VERY DETAILED on this slide
SLIDE 8: FINANCIAL SUMMARY Discuss your financials on this slide. Create a budget (i.e. marketing, materials etc.) All Revenues – All Expenses = Profit Explain how much money you need to start, and how long it will take to pay back
SLIDE 9: CURRENT STATUS/ACHIEVEMENTS/TIMELINE Talk about your current status and where you are right now. (Idea, prototype, market testing, already making money) as well as your accomplishments. Estimate how long before the business could be functional. Provide a brief timeline on how long you estimate it will take before you are making money or before you are ready to launch. Finish with a BANG!! End your presentation in a creative way so that the judges remember you.