Advancing National Wireless Capability Date: March 22, 2016 Wireless Test Bed & Wireless National User Facility Paul Titus Department Manager, Communications & Modeling National & Homeland Security
Cyber Wireless Control Systems Power The Nexus of Critical Infrastructure Protection Unique Focus on the Interdependencies Enhances Critical Infrastructure Resilience
Increased bandwidth demand and limited spectrum availability Vulnerabilities and challenges due to broadcast nature of wireless mediums (e.g., Smart Grid) Urgency of need addressed by Presidential Wireless Innovation (WIN) Initiative Research, development, test and field-scale evaluation of wireless technologies for improved spectrum utilization Interoperability of legacy systems with new technologies Ensure reliable, resilient & secure communication balancing interests of Academia, Industry and Government, including Public Safety The National Wireless Challenge Scalable ad-hoc INL’s Wireless Research, Development & Technology Validation and Deployment Address Current and Emerging Wireless Communications Challenges
Convergence of Wireless Communications 4 Control Systems Command & Control Communications Power Security Vulnerability & Solution Assessments Embedded Controls Spectrum Technology Development & Deployment Modeling & Simulation Validation Test & Validate Full-Scale Environment Integrated Wireless Solutions CYBER DYNAMIC ACCESS Integrated Wireless Systems are INL’sFocal Point to Develop Holistic Critical Infrastructure Solutions
Enabling Successful Solution Development 5 Wireless R&D Develop solutions to national spectrum sharing and wireless communications security challenges Modeling & Simulation Advanced software engineering, validation and testing of wireless security solution technology design Wireless Test Bed Test and validate full-scale deployment of wireless communications security technology solutions INL is Driven to Move Wireless Technology Solutions from Concept through Validation and Deployment
Isolated Location and Spectrum Management NTIA approved wireless experimental station, with local spectrum management Low RF Noise background No nearby Military Bases/ International Airports Full Scale Communications Networks GSM & UMTS Cellular + CDMA networks WiMAX, Mobile & Fixed networks WiFi / VoIP network isolated from the Internet State-of-the-art Network Operations Center (NOC) Industry and Scientific Expertise Cellular, UHF, HF Power Grid, Cyber security, Control Systems In-house design, Operations, Maintenance, Engineering Cellular Design, Software and Hardware development Unique Attributes Address National Challenges 6 INL’s Wireless Test Bed and State-of-the-Art Wireless Research Lab Support Critical National Missions
3GPP, TIA, NIST, etc. Feasibility Study: Requirement analysis, recommendation for deliverables, Experimentation/ solutions development. Stakeholders: Federal Agencies, FCC, NTIA, Carriers, Vendors, Academia. Technologies/Systems of Interest: Infrastructure, core network, backend, handset, software platforms, inter-working features, applications etc. Field tests, architecture and deployment assistance, in- site training Sources: Stakeholders Emerging Standards, Test Suites Customer Requirements Resource Availability Test Equipment Stakeholders Systems/ Technologies of Interest Customer Acceptance Wireless Testing Executive Oversight Conformance Evaluation, Reporting Design, Test Planning, Test Network Prep Feasibility Study Spectrum Planning Multi-network spectrum sharing, interoperability, device- application integration, backward compatibility, customized experimentation needs Network Integration Networks: Federal Systems & Commercial Networks. Ground / Air integration. Handsets, Backend, Applications Resource Allocation: PI, PM, network/ handset /HW/SW teams, 3 rd party collaboration, etc. INL has well defined and established, flexible Experimentation Research Process, critical to successful wireless experimentation and innovation End-to-End WTB Test & Experimentation Process 7 RF Simulations: Establish Geographical & time constraints
Isolated, Reconfigurable, Multidisciplinary, High-Fidelity Environment 8 Idaho Falls Cell Switch Center Cellular Network Operations Centers INL Range Fixed Cell Sites Mobile Platforms Multiple Test Sites PTSN Simulator Call Generator Monitoring Equipment Cyber & SCADA Labs Power Grid Labs Cellular NOC