ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM-GAME / Météo-France, Toulouse) 2 Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère (CESBIO), Toulouse, France 3 ECMWF, Reading, UK (current affiliation) Aaron Boone 1, Patricia deRosnay 2,3, and the ALMIP Working Group Photo by F. Guichard & L. Kergoat, CNRS/CESBIO
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 ALMIP Scientific Aims / Issues / Questions No one scheme perfect: examine ensemble of models (currently 12): Response of different schemes to scale change To develop a multi-model climatology of « realistic » high resolution soil moisture, surface fluxes, water and energy budgets: model initialization, evaluation To precise what improvements needed in SVATs to simulate surface processes particular to African climate and surface To examine how simple SVATs can simulate spatial distribution and inter-annual variability of vegetation To document impact of satellite-based forcings and other forcing products Break various components of complex coupled system into managable portions which can then provide insight into various processes: 1st step use LSMs in Offline mode LSM (or SVAT) lower BC for atmospheric models, upper BC for hydrological models
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 B. LampteyNCAR, Boulder, USACLM (GCM, …) Y. Gusev, O. NasonovaIWP, Moscow, RussiaSWAP (Hydro) A. Norgaard, I. SandholtU. CopenhagenMIKE-SHE (Hydro) A. Ducharne, S. GascoinUPMC, FranceCLSM (GCM, NWP, Hydro) I. Poccard-Leclercq, Y. XueU. Nantes, France, UCLA, USASSib (GCM, MesoM) C. Ottlé, B. Decharme(NCEP, USA) CETP, FranceNOAH (NWP, MesoM, Hydro) C. DelireISE, Monpellier, FranceIBIS (GCM) C. Ottlé, S. Saux-PicartCETP, FranceSETHYS (MM, Rem Sens) C. Taylor, P. HarrisCEH, Wallingford, UKJULES (GCM, NWP) A. Beljaars, G. BalsamoECMWF, Reading, UKTESSEL (NWP) A. BooneCNRM / Météo France ToulouseISBA (GCM, NWP, MesoM, Hydro) J. Polcher, T. Orgeval, P. deRosnayLMD, Paris, FranceORCHIDEE (GCM, Hydro) Model acronym (applications) Institute Contact
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Step 1: Force land surface models in « offline » mode (using observed/prescribed atmospheric conditions and fluxes) for multiple annual cycles (here ) Simulate an ensemble of land surface realizations
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Land Surface Model Soil-Vegetation Parameters ECOCLIMAP – global 1x1 km2, decadal Operatioal NWP, Mesoscale research CNRM/Météo-France Large annual variability (« mirrors » rainfall) Single annual cycle LAI E.g. LAND-SAF Solar Radiation: MSG Data: 0.6µm, 0.8µm, 1.6µm Land/Sea Mask, Cloud Mask (SAF-NWC software) Total Column Water Vapour (ECMWF) Ozone Content (Climatology) Land Surface Albedo: Static Map, later AL product [Visibility -> Aerosol Optical Thickness] AMMA-SAT 0.05 deg., 30 min., July (D. Carrer et al., Karlsruhe, 2007) OSI and LAND-SAF Downwelling radiative flux products AMMA-SAT Rainfall product EPSAT-SG (Estimation des Pluies par SATellite-Seconde Generation) F. Chopin, M. Dubois, LMD, Paris TRMM 2A25 Neural Network (AGRYMET data) GPCP 1dd 0.5 degrees, 3hours May-Oct, (Chopin et al., Karlsruhe, 2007)
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Step 2: Simulation evaluation: as it is large scale, satellite data used along with upscaled surface station data…
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Evaluation of ALMIP models using « aggregated » (upscaled) surface fluxes Average Mesoscale Sites
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Step 3: Use offline states/fluxes to initialize and even evaluate fully coupled RCM/GCM land surface simulations
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Akin to a land-surface Reanalysis Product Characterize a land surface model spread in terms of water and energy budget components/diagnostics Evap = total evapotranspiration Runoff = total runoff DelSoilMoist = total soil column water change Rainf = total precipitation Rnet = Net radiation LE = Latent heat flux H = Sensible heat flux
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Akin to a land-surface Reanalysis Product Characterize a land surface model spread in terms of water and energy budget components/diagnostics Evap = total evapotranspiration Runoff = total runoff DelSoilMoist = total soil column water change Rainf = total precipitation Rnet = Net radiation LE = Latent heat flux H = Sensible heat flux
ENSEMBLES Workshop, Toulouse Feb. 9-10, 2009 Perspectives: Regional scale simulated datasets being integrated into the AMMA-DB (soon data can be downloaded interactively via the web) -Many ongoing and future Projects using offline data as initialization and evaluation (mesoscale case studies, NWP-ECMWF impact of soil moisture on monsoon precipitation, regional scale water budget studies…) -Land surface states used to evaluated RCM/GCM simulations (AMMA- MIP Project, WAMME…) -Evaluation continuing as more observational data go online -Regional scale hydrology work to begin in More precipitation datasets to be tested (currently using ECMWF, EPSAT-SG and TRMM 3B42 V6)…. -Mesoscale ALMIP-2 to begin in 2009 (detailed process evaluation)