Launching the New Nation
The Beginning Washington elected President -> creates the cabinet Secretary of State = Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury = Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War = Henry Knox Amendments? -> Proposed in 2 ways New constitutional convention requested by 2/3 of states or vote from both houses Bill of Rights Judiciary Act of > creates federal courts
Hamilton’s Influence Wanted to shape economy to favor wealthier groups Wanted federal gov’t to take care of the national debt (funding at par) Proposes idea of assumption -> take control of state debts too States argue this idea Mass. likes idea, VA no so much (wants D.C. located on Potomac Rvr.) National debt rises -> Hamilton decides tariffs were the way to go 8% tariff on imports Excise tax -> domestic items (ex. Whiskey)
Hamilton/Jefferson Round 1 Hamilton proposes bank of the United States Funded primarily by federal gov’t Stimulate business? Print money when it is greatly needed Jefferson argues whether bank is constitutional or not Believed the states had power to regulate banks Hamilton gets his way and 1 st Bank of United States was established
Moonshiners Fight Back Whiskey Rebellion Hamilton’s whiskey tax takes toll on these people Began to harass revenue officers Washington brings together militia Federal gov’t now gained new respect Also got criticism for use of force against own people
Emergence of Political Parties Political parties not around when Washington was President Jefferson and Madison organize group against Hamilton Creates the two-party system Leads to competition Makes sure power stays with the people? Jefferson -> Democratic Republicans Hamilton -> Federalists
Jay’s Treaty/Farewell Washington Colonies wanted to stay neutral in war between France/Britain Becomes very difficult Last ditch effort sends John Jay to London British promise to evacuate posts on American soil Britain would pay for damages to recent seizure of American ships Forced U.S. to still honor post-Revolutionary debts Spain, fearful, enters into Pinckney’s Treaty Gives U.S. virtually everything they want (Free navigation of Miss. Rvr., Florida, etc.) Washington, tired, decides to retire Urges the country to avoid “permanent alliances”
John Adams + French Encounter John Adams vs Thomas Jefferson Adams enters office just in time to fight with France French upset with Jay’s Treaty (began capturing merchant ships) Adams wants to avoid war at all costs Sends a group of people to France to negotiate a treaty Hoped to meet with French foreign minister (XYZ affair) U.S. fights undeclared war, mostly at sea France meets again with U.S. this time with proper representation Convention of 1800 Annulled the “alliance” but U.S. agreed to pay for damages
Federalist Witch Hunt Wanted minimize pro-Jeffersonian support Alien Acts Raised residence requirements for citizenship (14 yrs) President could deport/imprison “dangerous” foreigners during time of hostility Sedition Act Anyone who impeded the policies of the gov’t or falsely defamed its officals would be liable to a heave fine/imprisonment Resolutions in VA (Madison) and KY (Jefferson) Belief gov’t had overstepped its boundaries States had the right to “nullify” the Alien and Sedition Acts
Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans Table 10.3 (pg. 198) Federalist -> those who “own” the country should “govern” it Supported by John Jay and Alexander Hamilton Favored British ideals Democratic Republicans -> make the common person “equal” Weak central gov’t and encouraged “rule of the people” Supported by Thomas Jefferson Favored French ideals