$100 Definitions PersonalitySelf EsteemStressEmotion $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Winnings
What is a reaction to a situation that involves the mind, body, and behavior? $100 Winnings Emotion
What is stress that produces positive effects $200 WinningsEustress
What is a way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation.? $300 Winnings Coping Strategy
What is a technique used to practice an event without actually doing the event. $400 Winnings Mental Rehearsal
What is the process by which people achieve their full potential? $500 Winnings Self Actualization
Which factor does not influence your personality? -Heredity -Culture -Peer Groups -Eye Color $100 Winnings Eye Color
What is the definition of personality? $200 Winnings A set of behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and ways of thinking that are unique to an individual.
What stage of personality development are teenagers considered to be a part of? $300 Winnings Search for Identity
What two factors influence personality? $400 Winnings Heredity and Environment
Which of these stages of personality development is in the correct order, from earliest to latest. a. Search for identity, take initiative, develop trust, look back with acceptance b. Develop trust, take initiative, search for identity, look back with acceptance c. Look back with acceptance, develop trust, take initiative, search for identity d. Search for identity, take initiative, look back with acceptance, develop trust $500 Winnings Develop trust, take initiative, search for identity, look back with acceptance
What is the definition of self esteem? $100 Winnings - -Your opinion of yourself; how much you respect and like yourself.
On average what happens to self- esteem between childhood and adolescence $200 Winnings It decreases and self esteem goes down
Classify shelter into the proper level on the hierarchy of needs $300 Winnings Safety
The hierarchy of needs must be meet before you can reach? $400 Winnings Self Actualization
What are the 4 levels of the hierarchy of needs? $500 Winnings 1- Physical 2- Safety 3- Belonging 4- Esteem
What is the definition of stress? $100 Winnings Stress is the response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened
What is Eustress & Distress $200 Winnings -Eustress is stress that has a positive effect -Distress is stress that has a negative effect
Stressors such as misplacing your homework, missing your bus, or having too many chores on the same day are? $300 Winnings Everyday Problems
What is the order of stages in the body’s response to stress? $400 Winnings Alarm stage, resistance stage, exhaustion stage
Stress is caused by stressors! What are 4 general types of stressor’s $500 Winnings -Everyday Problems -Catastrophes -Major Life Changes -Environmental Problems
What are the 2 major types of emotions $100 Winnings Primary & Learned Emotions
Happiness, Anger and Fear are examples of what emotions $200 Winnings Primary Emotions
What is a coping strategy? $300 Winnings A coping strategy is a way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation.
What the definition of emotion? $400 Winnings An emotion is a reaction to a situation that involves your mind, body, and behavior.
Defense mechanisms are coping strategies that help you to protect yourself from difficult feelings. What are 2 of the 3 examples we discussed of defensive mechanisms? $500 Winnings -Denial -Compensation -Rationalization
FINAL JEOPARDY ? The important first step toward dealing with emotions and stress in healthful ways is? Winnings
Recognizing your emotions and stress that are present in your life Winnings
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