What is Health and were do I find it?
Definition of Health Health no longer means the absence of illness. Health refers to overall “well being” of your body, your mind and your relationships with other people. Physical Health, mental and emotional health, and social health are the aspects that make up what we know to be called “wellness.”
TWO FACTORS THAT CAN BE USED TO EVALUATE HEALTH Consider the life expectancy of your family members and guess-ta-mate what your life expectancy might be. Life expectancy: The number of years a person can expect to live. Quality of life: The degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. That would be a good goal for all of us to have.
National Health Goals for 2020 The top health concerns are: Physical activity Overweight and obesity Tobacco use Substance abuse Injury and violence Sexual behavior Mental health Environmental quality Immunizations Access to health care
Leading Causes of Death for Youth
Characteristics of a physically healthy person Means how well your body functions! Can you carry out daily tasks without getting tired? Do you have enough energy to go to school or work? Do you enjoy your spare time? Do you take care of responsibilities? Need regular exercise, adequate sleep, proper health care
Mental health refers to....being comfortable with yourself, with others and with your surroundings. Your mind is alert, you can learn from your mistakes and you recognize your achievements. Emotional health refers to....how you react to events in your life. When your feelings you experience are appropriate responses to events Being able to relax and share with others are indicators of emotional health.
Characteristics of a socially healthy person Means: How well you get along with others. Do you have loving relationships? Do you respect the rights of others? Do you give and accept help? Do you build happy relationships with family members? Do you make and keep friends? Do you communicate your needs to others? THIS ALL TAKES PRACTICE!!!
What is a risk factor? Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcomes to a person’s well being. Categories of risk factors: Hereditary, environmental, behavioral
The Health Continuum A continuum is a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another.
Movement along the Continuum Many choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health continuum Examples include: Riding a bike without a helmet Choosing not to smoke What are some other choices one might make?