Brainstorm session: Ultra Green Airport for Ir. René Verbeek Drs. Hugo de Jonge
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport2 Kickstarter Give a start to the discussion Open for any additional –Goals –Bottlenecks –Solutions Our ideas in this presentation are just a fraction of the options we can think of.
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport3 Three questions 1.What are the goals in respect to the Ultra green airport concept? 2.What are the bottlenecks that prevent us from reaching these goals? 3.What solution strategies can be applied to reaching these goals?
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport4 What are the goals in respect to the Ultra green airport concept? Generic goal of an airport The added ecological goal Why is the ecological goal more then important? Focus Generic strategy for an Ultra Green Airport
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport5 Generic goal of an airport Central location where means of transport can operate into and out of safely, allow passengers, and baggage exchange their transport, and where air transport is the main focus
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport6 + Reducing our ecological footprint Housing Transport Food Goods Services & Gov’ Services & Gov’ 2010 Housing Transport Food Goods Services & Gov’ Services & Gov’ 2050
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport7 Increasing share in footprint Transport CO2 emissions 2010 Aviation Rail/Road/Shipping 2010 Aviation Rail/Road/Shipping 2050 Avia- tion Avia- tion Rail/Road/Shipping 2050
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport8 Ultra green airport contributes to reduced footprint
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport9 Applying generic sustainable building concepts
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport10 Focus Ultra Green Airport “Cradle to Cradle”
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport11 Closed cycle + Reduction Reducing energy needs Replacing energy sources Reducing material needs Closing the material cycle
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport12 What are the bottlenecks that prevent us from reaching these goals? From the ecological point of view –Cradle to Cradle Business focus
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport13 What bottlenecks prevent us from reducing the footprint? Energy flows –“Large terminals attract a lot of heat from the sun that needs to be air conditions for comfort” Material flows –“The airport is an open system. A taxfree bottle ends up on the other side of the world” Reducing energy –“The hub and spoke demands fast connections between gates”
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport14 What bottlenecks prevent us from reducing the footprint? Technologies –“Only fossil fuel based baggage tractors can be operated 247” Cost –“Solar is costly” Safety –“A green roof attracts birds” Efficiency –“Without airport treadmills the connection times increase”
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport15 What solution strategies can be applied to reduce the footprint? From the ecological point of view (Business focus)
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport16 Energy flows (electricity, heat and cold) Replacing by alternative and sustainable energy sources
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport17 Material flows Upcycle: –“Paper cup becomes paper cup again” Abolish: –“Paper information” Replacing: –“Pax information systems by personal information system of pax” Alternatives: –“Anti-icing through superhydrophobic coatings”
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport18 Reducing energy Shorter distances –Allowing unseparated passenger flows Replacing carbon based by renewable electric –Electric baggage handling carts with fast- swappable batteries Reducing need for interairport transportation
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport19 What solution strategies can be applied to reduce the footprint? Technologies –“Baggage tractors with fast swappable batteries” Cost –“Solar energy price drop can be expected” Safety –“Black solar has no sun reflections” Efficiency –“Without paper information, the information to the passenger is always up to date.”
6 March 2012Ultra-Green Airport20 Three questions 1.What are the goals in respect to the Ultra green airport concept? 2.What are the bottlenecks that prevent us from reaching these goals? 3.What solution strategies can be applied to reaching these goals?