Pennsylvania’s Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators
Overview Cautionary tales ◦ Link to ◦ Search Notification of Certification Actions ◦ community/professional_standards___practic es_commissions/ community/professional_standards___practic es_commissions/8829 Professional standards and practices ◦ Do’s and don’ts ◦ Practice scenarios
The Professional Standards and Practices Commission (PSPC) Mission ◦ Committed to providing leadership for improving the quality of education in this Commonwealth by establishing high standards for preparation, certification, practice and ethical conduct in the teaching profession ◦ ◦ community/educator_discipline_opinions_and _adjudications/8852/2010/ community/educator_discipline_opinions_and _adjudications/8852/2010/
Code of Conduct Any individual who becomes an educator in the Commonwealth makes a moral commitment to uphold the values reflected in the Code. The Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators can be found at 22 Pa. Code §§
Professional Practices …are the behaviors and attitudes based on a set of values that the professional education community believes and accepts. …values evidenced by the professional educator’s conduct toward: ◦ students ◦ colleagues ◦ educator’s employer ◦ community
Professional Practices Abide by all laws of the Commonwealth Be prepared, and legally certified, in their areas of assignment Maintain high levels of competence throughout their careers Exhibit consistent and equitable treatment of students, fellow educators, and parents Accept the value of diversity in educational practice “Diversity requires educators to have a range of methodologies and to request the necessary tools for effective teaching and learning.”
Professional Practices Impart to their students principles of good citizenship and societal responsibility Exhibit acceptable and professional language and communication skills “Their verbal and written communications with parents, students and staff shall reflect sensitivity to the fundamental human rights of dignity, privacy and respect.”
Professional Practices Open-minded, knowledgeable and use appropriate judgment and communication skills when responding to an issue within the educational environment Keep in confidence information obtained in confidence in the course of professional service Exert reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions which interfere with learning or are harmful to the student’s health and safety
Professional Educators May NOT: Discriminate Interfere with civil rights and responsibilities Accept gratuities, gifts, or favors Exploit a professional relationship for personal gain or advantage
Relationships with Students The Professional Educator may not – Misrepresent evaluations of students Misrepresent subject matter or curriculum Sexually harass or engage in sexual relationships with students Withhold evidence from the proper authorities about violations of the legal obligations as defined within this section.
Professional Relationships The Professional Educator may not – Deny or impede a colleague in the exercise or enjoyment of a professional right or privilege in being an educator Distort evaluations of colleagues Sexually harass a fellow employee Use coercive means or promise special treatment to influence professional decisions of colleagues
Actionable Misconduct - Criminal Criminal homicide Aggravated assault Stalking Kidnapping Unlawful restraint Rape Sexual assault Aggravated indecent assault Indecent exposure Incest Concealing the death of a child Dealing in infant children Prostitution Offenses related to obscene and other sexual materials/performances Corruption of minors Sexual abuse of children Felony offenses under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act Out of state and federal crimes similar to those listed
Actionable Misconduct – Non- Criminal Immorality Incompetence Intemperance Cruelty Negligence
Let’s Discuss Using Case Scenarios Case scenarios……. 1. Determine if your assigned case is considered actionable misconduct 2. Criminal or non-criminal? 3. Why?
Commitment Any individual who becomes an educator in the Commonwealth makes a moral commitment to uphold the values reflected in the Code.
Useful Websites Definitions of Statutory Terms hapter237/chap237toc.html hapter237/chap237toc.html Code of Conduct c_forms_and_related_documents_/ c_forms_and_related_documents_/8850