THE NAMES OF OUR SAVIOUR OF GREAT IMPORTANCE! Because they tell us exactly who he is!
JESUS When given? To joseph before he was born (Matthew 1:21). Means? Saviour (Jehoshua=Jehovah-salvation) Only name that saves men (Acts 4:12)
CHRIST Equivalent in Hebrew? Messiah. Meaning? The anointed one Revelation, foundation of church (Matthew 16:18) and proof of ? Regeneration (I john 5:1) New king being anointed
LORD Confession of the regenerate (I Cor.12:3) Who used it in his dying moments and was saved? The penitent thief. To know and confess these names is to be saved! In total about 150 names for Christ-can you think of a few more? Hint Isaiah 9
WHY IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF THESE NAMES IMPORTANT? Makes our faith strong. We know whom we believe and are persuaded of his saving power and help (Psalm 124:8) Knowing his names is one thing… Do you know him personally and savingly by his names? Do you love them and confess them? Then you are blessed!
At the name of Jesus every knee shall one day bow! (Phil.2:10)