What is body language?
Body language is one form of nonverbal communication. It is the use of actions, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and postures to express emotions.
Communication: No Problem?
Listening to Para1 Who : Where: Why: What: Another student and I Capital International Airport To meet this year’s international students To take them first to their dormitories and then to student canteen
charactercountrybody language Tony Garcia Columbia Julia Smith Britain Akira Nagata Japan George Cook Canada Ahmed Aziz Jordan Darlene Coulon France Read Para 2and 3 and then fill in the chart.
charactercountrybody language Tony Garcia Columbia Julia Smith Britain Akira Nagata Japan George Cook Canada approach, touch, kiss step back, put up her hands reach … out to … bow Both apologize when Mr. Cook’s moving hand touches the Japanese’s nose. Read Para 2and 3 and then fill in the chart.
charactercountrybody language Ahmed Aziz Jordan Darlene Coulon France move very close to …, come closer, shake …; nod… shake …, kiss … twice on …
Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?
Country/AreaWays to greet each other Britain Canada Japan Spain 、 Italy 、 South American countries France Middle Eastern (including Jordan) and other Muslim countries Do not stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. Shake hands. Shake hands Bow Approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. Shake hands and kiss each other twice on each cheek Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. Nod at women and do not touch them
What will be the right attitude towards other countries various body language? These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. We should respect them and study them.
Just like verbal language, body language is part of culture. It plays an important role in daily communication. So, it is very important to understand and use it correctly. And for a foreign language learner, it is necessary to learn the body language as well as the verbal language.
Post-reading: Discussion 1.What examples can you give to show that body language varies from culture to culture? 2.What gestures are universal?
Find out the two mistakes the writer found in the airport: Mr. Garcia Julia Smith The first mistake from (Columbia ) (Britain) He approaches Ms Smith by _______ ______ _________ and _______ her on the ________. She ______ ________ appearing _________ and _______ ______ her hands. shoulder touching her kissed cheek stepped back surprised Put up Reading – II ( 5m )
The second mistake a Japanese George Cook from (Canada) He ________ ________ _______ ________ to the Japanese. He ________ to Mr. Cook and his nose _________ Mr. Cook’s _______ ________. bowed touched moving hand reached his hand out
Ways to greet each other Approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. Bow Shake hands. Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. Nod to women or kiss but do not shake hands with them. Kiss each other twice on each cheek. Columbia Japan Canada, Britain Jordan France Countries: Japan, Jordan, Columbia, Canada, France