How to identify the important things in life and more! By Sean Chu 603
What are priorities? Well the definition of priorities is what you have to do. Do not get this confused with time management, that’s the order in which you do things. However to truly understand time management, you need to know priorities. This way you can put your most important priorities first when your managing your time.
What is a rock priority? The rock stands for the major things you HAVE to do or else there will major consequences. For example, eating, studying, or going to school. A pebble priority is like the things you want to do. This won’t have major consequences but it will make life more enjoyable. Ex: video games, reading books, baseball, etc
Water Priorities are the things you would like to do but don’t really care if you don’t get to them. Basically, they are the things you do if you have free time after doing the pebbles. They are the unimportant things that you would want to do in your extra time. Ex. Movies, television, or going to watch a basketball game.
So now that you know what the three categories for priorities in life are, you need to put them in order. Your priorities have a certain order in which they go. One makes room for the other. Just take a jar or an urn, and have some water, rocks, and pebbles. First pretend the jar is 24 hours of your. Then you need to put in the rocks first because they are the most important. Then you will see that you have room for pebbles. You should put them in and observe. Next you should poor the water in. You will see that everything will fit in. If you do these things in a different order, they will not fit. If you put pebbles in first, there will not be room for the rocks. The rocks create large spaces for the pebbles to go into and the pebbles create smaller holes for the water to enter.